005 ⚸

Feb 20, 2011 19:44

A. [So, for a while now, Annie has been a girl scout. She hasn't gone to meetings or actually done anything, though, because she is deathly allergic to obligations and responsibility and work. But, she's also allergic to boredom, so she decides to try this shit out.

Within ten minutes of arriving at wherever the meeting takes place in, she has bodily removed the drone troop leader from the building. Because Annie has a Highlander-like idea of how promotions work.]

Okay, so we were supposed to learn how to crochet today, but that's for losers, so instead we're gonna make pipe bombs!

[Fellow scouts, meet your new instructor in the art of suburban warfare.]

B. [Annie will also be selling cookies outside the grocery store.]

And by "selling cookies" I really mean "rip open every box, bite into one, and throw the entire thing to the ground."]

Sucks. Nasty. Terrible. Disgusting-- who makes these?
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