003 ⚸

Jan 15, 2011 16:41

[Annie regularly shovels raw meat down her throat like it's candy, so she's currently about seven years old. Is she confused as to why she's not on base? Yes, yes she is. Does she give a fuck? No, no she doesn't. Because she's a Goldstein, and Goldsteins are prepared for any and all shit to occur. Even weird new towns.

So, she will be wandering around town, inspecting her surroundings and basically trying to pretend that she's barely seven years old and desperately frightened.

She will also make a phone call:]

Operator, connect me to Camp Red Cloud! On the double!

[It really doesn't help that she has a pretty bad lisp due to some missing baby fangs.]

(replies will be from onedayabus )
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