An ode to Wednesday nights....

Nov 02, 2005 22:47

yeah, Wednesday night practices were the greatest of friends
we've loved them dearly right up until the end
Some gossip was shared, and some stories were told
And it just wouldn't be the same without unbearable cold

We'd lug the carts and stages even when the field was mucky
and we'll be home by 9:30, but only if we're lucky
Perucission stuck together through the highs and the lows
and more than the temperature, we were fearing the Snow

Rich is yellin at the color guard, counting to four
and the brass is getting bitched out for proppin' the door
and it's almost worth it for that time we won
but it's hard to show up early when there's homework to be done

Yes, Wednesdays meant band and icy wet feet
but damn, remember how Channel One was Sweet?
Fixing drill and keeping time while the flags are spinning
'did you hear about all the medals Shepard Hill's been winning?'

The horns are doin' block while we load up the truck
'do you smell smoke?' 'No it's only the Buck'
Watch the freshmen try to march, see how they're outa step
But the seniors are cryin'. There's no Wednesdays left.


Come see Destination Chaos on Friday night at the Hope Alliance. 6:30. $5.
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