Nothing happened again, and I don't want to talk about it,either. Why am I here? In frustration, really. See, I don't _like_ LJ. I don't want any aspect of my life to be written down, visible, recorded for posterity. But lately it's become the only way to see how my friends are doing, so I come here and read it. I know that people I care
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To the two intrepid souls that somehow found me: whatever deity or deities you may or may not believe in, bless you, or do whatever else it is that they might do. You cheered me up on a glum afternoon.
Kaustin - thanks, hon. You're a very nifty Nobody indeed, judging from a quick skim at your journal.
Touchingcracker - if you really want it, I would be pleased to pass it on to you. I obviously haven't played with this toy for a year, and if I get desperate enough to decide to want it again, I can certainly come up with some name equally meaningless, or something. Now, how would I go about passing it on to you? I assume, if I ever get my password back, I can contact you and give it to you and you can take possession, or something? (This is, of course, contingent on me being able to ever get into it again). Sure, I'm ok. Alternating between happiness and depression and hope and apathy and other and such things. Oh, and dancing, but not enough of it. Life, in other words. Still stalwartly resisting the impulses of my friends who want to drag the whole universe onto the already overworked and underresourced LJ.
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