i was supposed to post this yesterday but lj was being a penishead. anyways, new years [eve/day] was nothing but amazing. i had so much fun.
- getting drunk and dancing the night away.
- attempting to breakdance.
- flirting with the pizza boy.
- "head banging" and "raving" with my sister.
- the incredible sound system.
- calling people:
speaking to my lover[s].
speaking to some foriegn boy that lives in florida.
someone not picking up their phone :( you suck!
- going to sleep at around 6 in the morning.
- waking up 6 hours later and making myself a grilled cheese.
- waking up with the biggest body ache evar.
i found out that i like dancing way too much, that i seriously need a boyfriend, and that Finding Nemo is the greatest movie ever made. :)
sober. :x
not mine. i promise.
my rave bracelet!! mwhaha.
me at the end of the party.
all in all, it was fucking good times. best new years ever, i say. hah, i'm surprised i even remember any of that. :x