Martel Seton Dessoir's Profile
Martel Seton Dessoir is tired of Minnesota already.
Dieter Stragen
Matthias Hawke
Candice Monaghan
Petra del Rey
Lillias Renaud
Karlton Pankhurst
Being Friends With Matthias Hawke Is Like Dating Lillias Renaud By Proxy, Catholics in Denver, Colorado Fencers, Football Is Played With A Round Ball, The People Vs Dieter Stragen
Basic Information
Birthday:Jan 04
Hometown:Denver, CO
Current City:Minneapolis, MN
Relationship Status:In A Relationship with
Candice Monaghan Interested In:Women
Looking for:Friends
Religious Views:Roman Catholic
Personal Information
Activities:fencing, running, football (soccer), choir,
Interests:Catholicism, medieval weaponry, not photography, puppycam
Favorite Music:Apocalyptica, The Hush Sound
Favorite TV Shows: Tiger Week
Favorite Movies: The Birdcage
Favorite Books:Galactic Milieu, Otherland
Favorite Quotations:"Religion is something infinitely simple, ingenuous. It is not knowledge, not content of feeling (for all content is admitted from the start, where a man comes to terms with life), it is not duty and not renunciation, it is not restriction: but in the infinite extent of the universe it is a direction of the heart."
-- Rainer Maria Rilke
About Me: I have facebook because I am rightfully afraid of Lillias Renaud's fingernails.
Contact Information
IM Screen Name(s):sir chlodovech
Education and Work
Highschool:St Jude High