I think almost all of my LJ buddies are Coloradeans, so that means that y'all are also buried somewhere in the metro area. Are you having fun?
After Hillary and I made the decision to cancel food not bombs due to lack of pick ups, lack of people power and lack of adequate means to get food to the park, we drank baileys and coffee and watched "Mean Girls." We also braved the blizzard to walk to the park and tell people there was no food. or, we would have told them had anyone been there. Eliot came with us and lept like a deerbunny the whole way. I decided to walk down to Mac's house last night to spend the snowy night with some one other than my sad thoughts (my thoughts are mostly sad, don't worry) I sat around and chatted with folks, watched Northern Exposure and Amadeus, then crawled up in bed. This morning we made dutch babies (some concotion from Mac's childhood) and pankcakes and coffee. Then we walked back to my house where Mac shoved eliot, then me, in the giant snow banks, had a snowball fight, and made a general mess of the yard. Eliot now has these giant snow balls attached to his tangles. Some of them have melted or been picked off, but a while ago they were so intense he could barely walk. He wouldn't stay still long enough to let me take a picture, but its awfully funny and really fucking cute.
Call me if you wanna go out and play. Otherwise, I'm drinking the rest of the baileys and taking a nap.