gay gay gay gay BBQ

Apr 29, 2008 18:30

ohmigod it's true. I may have tried to deny it, but I can't any longer . . .I'm shaking up with my awesome gf Andie.

To celebrate, and also have some degree of self awareness about our own unbelievable gayness, we are having a BBQ/Potluck (gay) at our house (also gay) with our dogs (too gay)

It's on:

May 4th,
from 12p-6p
Stop by, stay awhile, or don't . . .

we'll have vegan/veggie (gay) grilling options (shish kabobs, veggie burgers, soydogs, etc) - bring a dish to share (potlucks = GAY). We'll have soda and stuff - no booze, plz.

call me for details. put it on your calendar.

dress like your favorite gay icon! or just real gay!
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