There was an author in store today: Treena Wynes. She was really active and engaging and I was really excited for her because of that alone. There have been so many authors who haven't stepped around the table and really made the effort to draw people's attention. I haven't had a chance to read her book yet, but I wanted to share its existence with anyone who takes the time to even read what I write (thanks man, I know who you are).
What is this book about?
"Writing about this journey and putting down her tips, and recipes and tidbits of information into this tidy book along with her own graphic and personal story is the personification of Treena herself: it's sweet, funny, honest and...ultimately, helpful and hopeful.
First, Treena tells her own story, no holds barred. It's graphic, and as true as true gets. Then, she shares information in easy to understand portion sizes about a number of eating-related issues that she found confusing and complex. She then provides a number of tips and recipes and even provides journal space for readers to make their own comments and plans for their healthy future.
Interview! Indiegogo Source Okay, let's be fair. Most of us are emotional eaters at some point or another. Admittedly, I never read well being books. I do love biographies however. Flipping through this book revealed that it has a cool balance of diet journal, recipe index, biography, and well being. There was nothing condescending about the way Treena spoke of her previous eating disorder. She was very open when I talked to her, and I really admire that kind of honesty in a world that puts so much effort into privacy.
So I encourage you to give her a chance. The book sits at 175 pages and that includes pages of recipes and lined pages for your own notes.