Nov 06, 2012 14:07
charles bukowski
the important
the obvious
As per putting what I have learned into school in to real life scenarios, I raise this concept of seasonality. It is a form of cyclical variation, from low to high to low again in this context as well. Despite the recognition of this seasonality, I am unable to identify the periodicity of it and the cause.
It seems that every semester, the highs are highs, the lows are lows and there's no way to avoid both of them altogether. Part of me refuses to let go of this cycle, for a flat line is not a very interesting way to live. But yet, I cannot find out why. The troughs, the lows, they just come and go. And the lows are very low indeed.
Perhaps it's just due to the conflict that I have within me. Something I have figured out a while back but never really dared to express.
Because it is quite fucked up indeed.
Until next time.