(no subject)

Mar 29, 2010 11:42

Here is what I'm working on for the article "EMDR treatment for children with PTSD: Results of a randomized controlled trial:

Table Part 1: Describing Key Study Characteristics

  1. Article number (consistent with the list of articles you turned in for Step 2-B)

  1. Research questions(s ) and/ or hypothesis(es)
    • Should refer to specific variables/relationships under investigation in the study

  1. Independent variables (IV) & dependent variables (DV)*
    • What are they?
    • How is each operationalized?

*Only list the DV(s) you are specifically interested in for this project, not every DV in the study

  1. Measures (IV)
    • What measures are used to assess the IV(s)?
    • What is reported about the validity and reliability of the measure(s)?

  1. Measures (DV)
    • (same as #4 above)

  1. Sample
    • What type of sample was used (e.g., simple random, snowball, convenience)?
    • What is the sample size (i.e., n=?)?
    • Participant characteristics?

  1. Data collection
    • What methods were used to collect the data (written survey, interview, etc.)?
    • What procedures were used (i.e., how, when, where, and by whom were data collected)?

  1. Results
    • Report findings of the study for each DV you identified above
    • Be sure to specify which outcomes were statistically significant

It's hard not to be jealous of me, I know. I feel your pain peeps but I'm kind of a big deal.

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