-according to bbc news (and other places, i presume), today is left handers' day. i win. as it's also my day off from work, i thankfully won't be operating scissors or can openers.
-there is little left for me here (my car is thisclose to death, i've stopped associating with people who use their problems/insecurities as reasoning for shamelessly using others, i've thrown away a good amount of my excess belongings and i've made my peace with not necessarily having a plan for the next five years), so i don't think i'm coming back after graduation. i think i know where i want to move, but i'm entertaining other possibilities as well. more later.
-i have a doctor's appointment today so that i (or my physician, rather) can figure out why my body is falling apart.
after this friday (my last day of work), i will only have 10 days left of summer.
plans: saturday-sunday at the sunset junction street festival in l.a., finishing a few books (next up: play as it lays by joan didion), probably a few dinners/coffee nights with annie, two free meals at jyoti bihanga, writing a letter/sending messages to bri to see how things are going in tanzania, seeing other people and beginning to run again.
this is hilarious.