May 05, 2004 18:47
Today wasnt anything real special i guess.
1st, i finished my acting role. Had a hard time not laughing at one point w/ JT when i was suppose to be angry.
2nd, nothing, bored. Discusses Spooning cause two kids didnt know what it was, no one else wanted to explain it, so i had to.
3rd, we had a sub so we watched Freaky Friday. Well, they did, i sat and read.
Lunch, hung w/...well...ill explain that later...
4th, notes and a review sheet.
Came home, watched Family Guy on DvD w/ my brother, talked to this girl on the phone that seems oddly interested in me. *shrug* But thats not something i feel like discussing at the moment.
Anyway...about who i hung with at lunch.
Im gonna get criticized up the wazoo for this.
I know it.
Someone is gonna slap me, tell me off, or something.
But towards the end of last week, i recieved an IM, and conversation sparked up a bit, but never finished.
A few emails were passed back and forth and opinions, intentions, wants, needs and views were made clear.
I made certain that before we really started talking again, that i had an idea of what was going on, and i got that.
Sunday night we spoke on the phone for about an hour.
Catching Up, Reminising, Chatting, Small Talking...the usual.
And monday for the first time we hung out at lunch, and did again today. (didnt yesterday cause i wasnt in the right lunch)
I believe things are different this time.
Unlike last time, we haven't gone right back to acting like nothing happened.
We're taking it carefully.
Cause we both agree.
We miss the past, but we aren't going back to it. We're making a new future out of the friendship, without the one element we feele was the ultimate destruction of that friendship.
Bottom Line.
Beth and I are speaking again...
Now unleash your wrath of comments trying to tell me what i did was stupid and im setting myself up again...cause i know someone out there has them...