the_lucky13 Intro/Application

Oct 26, 2008 20:18

1. My name is Derek.

2. I was named after my father.

3. Mom can be a bit militant sometimes.

4. Dad was or is part of a war. Something like that.

5. Big brothers are a major pain in the ass.

6. So are big sisters. Even if she's... yeah.

7. I'm not part of their war nor will I ever be.

8. Guns... I know how to use them and take them apart. My mother taught me.

9. Had a girlfriend once. Best damn thing to happen to me considering the bloodline I'm from.

10. We're a very secretive bunch.

11. Sometimes I hate it. Hate how much things can go wrong.

12. Dad had a brother, he's dead. Killed by something pretty damn nasty.

13. That girlfriend I mentioned. My world. She's dead too.

[comm] the lucky 13

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