While the aforementioned Operation Lose Ten Pounds, really didn't go swimmingly, and I haven't actually lost anything, according to the belly button depth test, I'm doing alright. My belly button is at least 3/8" less deep than it was three weeks ago, which isn't a bad start. So while the diet itself is less extreme and, really, the broccoli slaw and I didn't last that long (I did love you. I did.), nor did the write down everything you eat, I managed to cut out beer, eat the whole grain toast and hummus, instead of the white bread and butter, and use Raisinets as my chocolate fix.
Operation Make Work Suck Less is not really fully speed ahead or anything. I go in, I work, I goof off, I go home and watch West Wing till the hate part of my brain calms down (this is instead of the beer, and really Allison Janney is good for every part of your brain). Then, when my allergies have not sent me into a tailspin of AGONY, and my glasses have not cause intense dizziness for at least the past twenty minutes, I call
zoeycleybourne and ask her to play, which is definitely contributing to Operation Enjoy Life More. I am determined to quit eating at the same old places (with the obvious exception of Hiroshi's and Sushi Nabe, because mmmmm) and try new foods (Papi's! Cuban sammiches!) at a reasonable price, because, God, they exist. For the record, the most stress-relieving evening that could exist: calamari, shrimp on ice, crab pizza, followed by really, really fabulous cheesecake and torte on a deck overlooking Coolidge Park; SWINGING beside the river, and trying to talk through the little speaker-y thing in the "Kids 2-5 Only Please" section (which totally does not work).
I think I'm falling in love with Chattanooga. That perhaps is because it's closer than Atlanta, but the river and it's associated parks definitely has a lot to do with it, as well. I think the lack of the city feel, but availability of city amenities is nice. There are just enough Kerry stickers to make me not completely fear the politics. And hell, they're going to have sting ray petting at the aquarium very soon! Who does not want to be close to that?