Operation Lose Ten Pounds - Which should be twenty, but god, do you know how hard ten is? We are on day 3, and the fact that I made it past day one is encouragement enough at this juncture. Embrace the broccoli slaw, my friend, for with a little light mayo and celery salt it is crunchy, veggie goodness. And, I suppose, high in something good for me. Make love to your celery (or, you know, don't literally 'cause, gack, veggie sex!) and smother it in tuna salad goodness. Realize that corn, though you love it, is not always your friend, nor is the potato. (Or as the Zoom Bait Company would have you believe, potatoe. I shit you not. See it at
softbaits.com. Go ahead. Scroll around the colors and look for "sweet potatoe" or "tomatoe.") Also, helping me along peanuts. High in cholesterol, but dear God, so good for you in moderation. Yes, that's MODERATION. Moderation is: four thin mint cookies instead of the sleeve; two margaritas instead of six beers; just a thin layer of goat cheese instead of the galooped dollops that you so you love.
I'm finding JR's
notes program extremely helpful. Webpad's a little less fancy than notes, but still your portable stuff.txt. I can keep track of what I'm eating and figure out what I suck at. That, I think, is key to figuring out what's going to work for me, because I do love food, and hate cutting out certain things. But at least I can figure out what to work around.
Operation Make Work Suck Less - I think realizing that I'm toting all the badness from the office with me has completely changed my attitude at work too. I am far more about the blunt now. I can not deal with this half-assed instruction and style of management. If you're going to micro-manage me, which I fucking hate and resent, at least do it right asswipe. It has made working with the most evil boss of all time a lot easier.
The actual work has gotten better. That is, I'm enjoying the projects I'm working on and feeling valued for doing a good job. Also, 3D-software allows you to make pretty models, which apparently, is all the head engineers want. I think as far as the drafting industry I have learned all I can here, and am trying to push myself into the CAD side. Which, if I really pursue over the next year, I will be set when I graduate.
Operation Enjoy Life More - I am sucking at this one. Note to self: Do better here.