these differing lifestyles have recently been running wildly in my head. on a smaller scale, my job now is giving me more money than iv'e ever had in my entire life, yet i get extremely cheap and nervous when i have it. on the other hand, i dont like putting it away because i think i wont have enough money to get through the week. so the majority of the time i end up with a great deal of the week's check left unspent when i get a new one. still, when i think harder, before i started the job i was more or less content with having little or no money at all. using my parents as a constant money source when i needed small quantities of spending cash. at least then i didn't have the pressure to spend any money as i do now. everytime i purchase something im counting the bills in my wallet and feeling guilty. i truly despise spending money enless i am absolutely positive that i have more than enough. in younger and less mature stages in my life i would have made this question out to be a no brainer. who wants to just get by when they can be wealthy? but now, as i am experiencing a steady money flow, i begin to rethink this philosophy. as of right now, my ideal financial situation as an adult would be to have so much money that i won't know what to do with it. but not many people at the end of the day can honestly say they don't want that. at least then i wouldnt have to worry about losing it all. this has all been on my mind for quite some time and i thought this was as good an oppurtunity as any to vent it and maybe get some insight from you after your great advice on saving money.
On my next entry I will try and discuss what exactly I think on the subject, but to tell you how to save I would simply have to say - willpower! Put money away into some secure mutual funds, or at least some mutual funds that are watched and reorganized on a frequent basis. The average yeild over the desired timespan is 8% over the normal bank account interest which is about 2%. You obviously need to do a little research, but when it comes to your future you can never be too careful.
sorry for the length,
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