Mar 07, 2007 23:41
Things going on in my life:
1.) I've been whoring myself out on intercambio websites to get a language exchange with native spanish speakers. Before I had only responded to other people which got me nowhere. But last night, I put myself up and I got my first response 7 minutes later! Unfortunately, I won't be here this weekend to start my language dates but I can start next week... which brings me to my next bullet point:
2.) This weekend, I'm going to Madrid! It is an excursion with the whole program. Everything is paid for: the train ride, the hotel, the museum visits, and dinners. I don't think I can stuff my excitement into words. Madrid is going to rock.
3.) I bought new shoes today because my other shoes (my black slip ons) were ruined at Carnaval when I decided to go in the water at the beach... they almost floated away with the tide. Word of caution: don't wear clothes you care about to Carnaval.
4.) The sailing team is going to St. Petersburg for spring break this weekend and my heart is with them! As Terence always says, "The only thing to look forward to in Fall semester is the Swim Test. After that, I just wait for Spring Break." (or something to that effect)