Aug 16, 2010 14:49
In as shortly as two weeks, I may be moving out of my house, and those two weeks can’t come soon enough. I have been living back at home for about 21 months now, and I hate it. This house is a dump, and I can’t wait to come home somewhere else that is cleaner and my own. Every room in this house is covered in filth, especially the downstairs family room and garage. It is a complete embarrassment. The room I’ve been in since I’ve moved back home isn’t even my room. The furniture in this room isn’t mine. The old furniture (a nightstand, two dressers, and a desk) is painted a hideous pearl white, and the walls are painted a sky blue. I have no closet to use since my sister’s junk is stacked in there. There are 14 drawers of space in the furniture in this room, but that space is also occupied by my sister’s junk. This room used to be my sisters before I moved back home, and I had to scrub it from top to bottom just so I could breathe in there. The only things in this room that are mine are my TV, electronics, mattress, fish tank, rabbit cage, and other small items. My dilapidated dresser, which can only hold about 20% of my clothes, and bookshelf will most likely be thrown away or left in place when I move. I also have about 6-7 small boxes of miscellaneous stuff in the garage, as well as a treadmill, microwave, and older TV, where it has been sitting in filth since I moved back home.
When I originally moved back home in November 2008, I only intended on living here temporarily, but finances forced me to stay here much longer than I wanted. Despite working two jobs for much of 2009, I didn’t save much money and resorted to spending much of my savings in ways to alleviate my depression. Plus, other bills, such as car repairs and student loans also took a chip out of my savings, as well as bouts of recent unemployment. The biggest reason I never aptly saved money is because I knew, even with two jobs - one low paying and the other unreliable - I couldn’t afford to move out on my own with any sort of financial stability. Plus, I was unwilling to spend an enormous amount of money to live in an apartment close near home, where I continued to work. When I lived in my apartment before, I was more than able to pay my half of the bills working only one job. Apartments in Monroe County are just too expensive, and for that reason, I stayed living at home. Since I moved back home, I’ve bought nothing for the room that I live in. I so desperately wish to have my own things once again.
Despite having my own room in this house, I don’t have any privacy. Of course, I can come and go as I please, but I hate having to annoyingly explain what I’m doing to my nosy mom. Oftentimes, I can’t freely leave, because there will be another car blocking mine in the driveway. I can’t cook in our kitchen, because our kitchen is small and always cluttered. A cat lives on the kitchen counter, and our refrigerator is filled with expired items and mold from the past decade. Because of that, I’ve spent too much money constantly going out to eat, and that has grown tiresome. When I’m at home, the only time I ever leave my room is to go to the bathroom and to walk in a path to the front door to leave. The only good thing is that I pay absolutely no bills for living here, because I flat out refused to contribute a dime of my money to live in this dump. My parents owe me $11,400, and they deny it or ludicrously claim that the debt is nonexistent since I’ve been living here for 21 months for free (although the period in which they borrowed that money spans from 2005-2007). Also, when I was younger and not old enough to have my own savings account at the credit union, I would deposit hard-earned money into my cosigned savings account, and it would be mysteriously “borrowed” by my parents and never replaced. Of course, I still complain about the $775 that my parents stole from my graduation money, and my mom acts like that never happened and gets defensive when I bring it up. They also owe my other siblings countless thousands of dollars.
The main reason I have not moved out in the past 21 months, as I stated early, is because I can’t afford to live on my own. Few people I know live alone by their own financial means; having a roommate can save someone hundreds of dollars a month. Now that I no longer work in Monroe County with my two jobs located Downriver, there’s no sense in me living in this county anymore, where I regularly have to drive 25-30 minutes to work. For awhile, I have been searching for a reliable roommate. Most of my friends fall out of the realm of reliability or already have their own residence. Now, within the past month, a friend has come forward as needing a reliable roommate, because his dad sold their house. In a matter of no time, he will have nowhere to live, and he (like me) cannot afford to live alone despite making a decent amount of money. I could afford to live on my own, but I just have too many extra bills to eliminate before that can happen. He wants to move in the southern Downriver area, which would work well for the both of us, despite one of his jobs being in Frenchtown Charter Township. Of course, “Downriver” stretches as far south as the south-segment of Brownstown Charter Township, which is only about 10 minutes north of where I live now. That’s not far enough away. I want to move somewhere like Riverview, Southgate, or Woodhaven.
So far we’ve only look at three apartments, because our work schedules prevent us from freely going out whenever we choose. We’ve already discussed splitting all the bills evenly. I’m not sure what possessions he’s going to be able to bring with him, but I don’t have much either. We looked at two apartments in Riverview. One was an absolute shit-hole, despite a luring price of $525 a month for a two-bedroom apartment. When we walked into the manager’s cluttered office, she continued talking on her phone for 10 minutes and didn’t even acknowledge us. She merely told us to go the next building and that the vacant apartment was already unlocked. I was like “um, what the fuck?” We went in there, and the apartment was an absolutely disaster. The other complex, which is oddly located right next to the shitty one, is $595 a month, and it is incomparably better. Heat is included with the rent, which is a bonus, because I don’t want to get $175 electric bills like I did at my last apartment during the winter months. It has a pool, which I don’t believe is a prerequisite for me moving somewhere, but it is an added luxury. They have a fitness center, but I believe it consists of only a few treadmills and an exercise bike.
We looked at another place in Gibraltar, which is a townhouse for $575 a month. I thought it was nice, but the buildings seemed old. The pool area had noticeable cracks in the concrete deck, and the interior of the townhouses showed its age and was designed funny. When we went to look at a townhouse, the manager was heading to lunch, so she just gave us keys to two units and told us to go look ourselves. Who does that? She didn’t even ask for our IDs or anything else. The location is also isolated from a lot of the resources of the other Downriver communities and only cuts off about 10 minutes off my already lengthy commute to work. But, they have a pool and include a washer and dryer in each townhouse, and that itself might be a deal-breaker. I hate using a laundry room, but it’s not the end of the world. As far as pricing goes on where we’d live, I think our upper limit is around $625-650. These apartments seem to come by the gaggle in the Downriver area, while there’s no such thing as a rat-free two-bedroom apartment in Monroe County for less than that. Rachael and I rented a one-bedroom (588 sq ft) for $569 a month, and that was a mere three miles from my house. I don’t want to live in Monroe County anymore, not because I have anything against the area, but my life has turned to Wayne County. If I have to live in another municipality besides Frenchtown Charter Township for the first time, then so be it.
I don’t need to move out, but I desperately want to move out. Ever since I moved back home, my life’s been at a stand still. I haven’t been happy, and I certainly haven’t had the opportunity to date anyone since then. This house is horribly embarrassing to bring girls over (although I have), and I don’t even want to date a girl while still living at home. Of course, the girl thinks, “You live with your parents? That’s bad, but what’s worse is the fact that your house is a shit-hole and stinks… so, um, no thanks.” I’ve befriended a dozen girls in almost the past two years, but the fact that I live in this house certainly has had a negative affect on my lifestyle. I’m not moving for the sake of snagging some girl and luring her to my apartment, but I look forward to having the opportunity to invite people over if I so choose and not feel ashamed of where I live - no longer having to tell them not to be alarmed that there’s a cat living behind our toilet or if my mom randomly walks into my room and tries to start a nonsensical conversation.
I obviously haven’t told my family that I’m moving, while my dad and siblings probably wouldn’t care anyway. Since me moving isn’t set into stone, I don’t want to have to discuss it. Plus, knowing what happened last time I moved, my mom will complain excessively if I try to take things from this house that she doesn’t want me to have. Last time I moved, I took the TV in my room - a larger TV that I was given eight years earlier. She swore up and down that it was her TV, and she wanted it (even though we already have a TV in every room of this house). So, I had to basically sneak it out. She has that TV now at our up-north trailer. I asked her if I could have the unused set of silverware that had gone unused for the past 10 years, and she threw a tantrum. The silverware has since been unused in the kitchen drawer. She offered no help when I moved. My foot was three days removed from a cast after I broke it, and I had to carry hundreds of pounds of stuff up the stairs and into a U-haul truck - a truck I wouldn’t have needed if she let me borrow the white van. It was pouring rain, and Rachael and I carried out our move in a single span of three hours. My mom stood in the doorway the whole time and checked to see what I was taking. When we were done, she had to audacity to ask, “Do you need any help?” I know damn well she’s going to do the same thing again, although the only thing I have that won’t fit in my car is my mattress and treadmill. I might try to make those things fit. Even my 42” flatscreen, fish tank, and rabbit cage can fit delicately into my car. I know, because I had to move them back home with me. I don’t even know if I can have the frame and box-spring that the mattress sits on since it’s technically not mine and was in this room when I moved back home. I’m not going to rent a truck to carry a mattress, and I’d sooner sleep on the floor of my apartment. Using just my car, I might be able to fully move everything I own in maybe four trips (since my trunk is unusable). When I moved out before, I compiled a detailed Excel spreadsheet of everything I would need to buy upon moving. This list included mundane items like paper towel, a shower curtain, silverware, etc. I’m going to have to go back through that list, which cost about $200 worth of odd items that I needed when I moved out last time. It was surprising how easy it was to move last time. We managed to move and buy all the necessary things, despite the fact that I didn’t work for seven weeks prior, and neither of us had a dime of money in our savings accounts. And, hopefully, this will be the last time I move out of this house.