Sep 16, 2004 17:08
1.First grade teacher's name: marie
2. Last person you kissed: marissa
3. Last word you said: y the hell do i have to out the ice cream away?!
4. Last song you sang: nas one love
5. Last person you hugged: jessica
6. Last thing you laughed at: corkey romano
7. Last time you said 'I love you': uhhh, 3 years ago mayebe?8. What's in your CD player: emprty, i use limewire( its like kazaa)
9. What socks are you wearing: white socks
10. What's under your bed: anther bed
12. Current taste: ice cream
13. Current hair style: uhh, hair cut
14. Current clothes: shirt and shorts
15. Annoyance: annoying things
16. Current longing: hooking up, grl friend
17. Current desktop picture: uhhh, easy open tops, (it has a pic of a grl with her budwiser bikini straps undone and holing a bud)
18. Current worry: not hooking up this year
19. Current hate: ppl i hate
20. Story behind your live journal username: i am notorios!21. Current favorite article of clothing: jeans and nice shirt
22. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: t&a
23. Last CD that you bought: styx greatest hits
24. Favorite place to be: camp
25. Least favorite place: school
26. Time you wake up in the morning: 600, but get out f bed at like 630
27. If you could play an instrument, what would it be: i play the piano
28. Believe in an afterlife: uhh, i hpoe death isnt just death or really boring
29. Current favorite word/saying: what the fudge packer!
30. Favorite book: artimis fowl, brealfest of champions, and the tv guide
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: kurt kobain
35. Favorite day: all 60 days of camp
36. Where do you want to go: freinds houses
37. What is your career going to be like:i hope im rich and famous some how, like a really famous pimp daddy
39. What kind of truck will you have: a big one
40. Type a line you remember from any book: and then i died
41. A random lyric: rape meee
42. Eye Color: blue green, i really dont know, but i can tell u one thing, they are oragsmic
43. Hair Color: irty blondde
44. Righty or Lefty: right handed, left footed
45. Zodiac Sign: taures, i think
46. Innie or Outtie: innie
47. Your heritage: brooklyn!!!!
48. The shoes you wore today:blue uhh, short
50. Your weakness: boredom
51. Your fears: things taht scare me
51. Your perfect pizza:san remos
52. One thing you'd like to achieve: sex
53. Your most overused phrase on aim:o
54. Your thoughts first waking up:wow, my mom didnt wake me up
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex:face, then tits not a second after
56. Your bedtime: my mom makes me go to bed at 10, but i actually get off my computer at like 1130
57. Your most missed memory:what the fudge packer does that mean
58. Pepsi or coke:coke, sprite
59. McDonald's or Burger King: mcy ds!!!
60. Single or group dates: depends, cuz if we have like 2 grls and me after, then def group dates
61. Adidas or nike: nike
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
63. Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
64. Cappuccino or coffee: uhh, hot chocolate
65. Smoke: only cigs and weed
66. Cuss: why the fuck would anybody fucking curse that shit is fucking retarded
67. Sing: def
68. Take a shower everyday: eww no
69. Have a crush: not a crush, but if i think they are hot, i will def let them give me head
70. Who is he: i already anssered
71. Think you've been in love: no
72. Want to go to college: yea
73. Like high school: never
74. Want to get married: yea
75. Type with your fingers on the right keys: noih f
76. Think you're attractive:*shrugging of shoulders*
77. Think you're a health freak: ew no
78. Get along with your parents : yea
79. Play an instrument: piano
80. Drink alcohol: yea
81. Smoke: only cigs and weed, we already wet over this
82. Done a drug: only herion and xdosy nothing bad for u
83. Made Out: ooo
84. Go on a date: not dates, but ive hooked up
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos:yea
86. Eaten sushi: yea
87. Been dumped: hell nah!
88. Made homemade cookies: ive eaten them
89. Been in love: no
90. Gone skinny dipping: no but i want to
91. Dyed your hair:no
92. Stolen anything: yea
93. Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: not xtremly
94. Been caught "doing something": uhhh
95. Been called a tease: maybe cuase im incredible handsome
96. Gotten beaten up: no, i beet ppl up
97. Changed who you were to fit in: no, ppl change to hang with me
my name is: well my whores and bitches call me sir pimp daddy
99. height:54
100. favorite toe: uhhhh
101. in the morning i am: tired
102. all i need is: love do do do do dooo
103 disappeared: shut the fuck up with ur stupid questions
104. if i could see one person right now: camp
105. i dream about: uhhh
108. been in love:no
109. cried when someone died: noone has died yet, knock on jesus
110. lied: all the time, i think its hillarios
111. flowers or candy: uhh, candy
112. tall or short: shorter
113. last person u slow danced with: uhhh, i thik it was eden
114. makes you laugh the most: i am just so fucking hillarios
115. makes you smile: happy ppl
116. gives you a funny feeling when you see them: hot grls
117. do you have a crush on: uhhh, u already asked
118. has a crush on you:uhh, i cant keep track
119. easiest to talk to: friends
120. sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?: i just come up periodcally to see of they are on
121. save aol/aim conversations: my comp does it attomatically
123. wish u were a member of the opposite sex:only cuz i woulkd be able to look at my tits
124. cry because of someone saying something to you: no
MORE Have You Ever...
125. fallen for your best friend: no
126. been rejected?: never.....
27. rejected someone: think so.. but it was totally nice
128. used someone: yea, lol
129. been cheated on: no
130. cheated on someone: no
131. done something u regret: yea
132. you talked to on the phone: i dunno
133. hugged: they already asked this damn question
134. you instant messaged: dani
135. instant messaged you: anna
136. you laughed with: the tv
Do You...
137. color your hair: no
138. ever get off the computer: shut the fuck up u deumop fudge packer!
139. habla espanol: bonjour yeladim
Do You/Are You...
140. smoke weed: i will eventually
142. could u live without the computer: yea
143. how many people are on ur buddylist: 1000
144. what's your favorite food:san remos
145. whats your favorite fruit: peaches
146. drink alcohol: smirnoffs
147. like watching sunrises or sunset: who the hell wants to wake up for sunrises?
148. what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain: pain is temprary, PRIDE IS FOREVER!!!!
149. trust others way too easily: no
about gosh darn time! i was about to flip my lid!