
May 13, 2010 19:32

Title: Pranks (Sherlock Holmes Cast)
Author: notoriginalname
Summary: Robert is bored on set

The Sherlock Holmes set was in desperate need of pranking, and, because Robert is a gentleman, he resolved to remedy this situation himself.

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People paused mid-conversation to turn and goggle at Mark Strong. Music followed him as he walked, and the combined effect of the song and his strut was startling.

I’m a sensitive thug.
I’m a sensitive thug.
I’m in love…

Mark approached the crowd with a brooding expression. Unsure of how to react, the observers remained silent while Mark passed. Even after he was out of sight they stood there captivated. Finally someone giggled awkwardly and the whole crew collapsed in laughter.

Robert grinned from around a corner and checked an item off a list.

fic, rpf, humor, gen, sherlock holmes

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