like omg

Mar 23, 2005 16:50

1. Name: Stephanie
2. Nicknames: steph, limlim
3. Shoe size: 8 )=
4. Do you have a crush?: rawr
5. Boyfriend?: yes-no-sorta-kinda-but not-well.. haha.
7. Where Do You Live: Las Vegas
8. Where you want to live: Massachusetts.
9. Birthplace: Las Vegas- i don't get out much.
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: thousand island
11. Ever gone skinny dipping?: nonono
12. What are you watching?: treeeees.
13. Last person you talked to: on the phone? mum
14. Favorite movie: Garden State
15. Favorite Book: I can't remember it..?!
16. Favorite Type of music: different and unique..just not too out there like yanni.
17. Favorite types of cars: mini cooper like helluh.
18. Favorite Saying: shrug.
19. Favorite Fast Food: diediediefastfooooood.
20. Favorite Ice Cream: really strong coffee ice cream.
21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: straightxedge. haha, i'm not, but i don't drink.
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: whenever my brain shuts down.
23. Most Embarrassing Moment: !!!
24. Stupidest Person you know: YOU! kidding. (=
25. Funniest Person you know: :O
26. Favorite holiday: leif erikson day ;)
27. Favorite Food: fried rice
28. Favorite Song: right now? title and registration by death cab for cutie. old favorite.
29. Favorite Television Show: i haven't watched the tele religiously lately, except for project runway when it was on, lol.
30. Favorite Radio Station: nothing good on the radio, but it's kept on 94.1
31. Favorite junk food: chocochocochocolateeee.
32. Favorite love song: anything that makes me feel all warm inside is good enough for me.
33. Favorite Drink: apple juice<3 omg how awesome would applejuice boba be.
34. Favorite article of clothing: yay scarves! warmth.
35. Favorite Animal: eeee koala.

section two - f u t u r e
1. School: like every other law-hopeful, harvard. then cornell. columbia. stanford?
2. Where You Want To Live: anywhere but heeere. i don't want to stayyy.
3. How Many Kids You Want: haven't really thought of it.
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: hm hm hm.
5. Wedding song: shrug.
6. Pets: kitties!
7. Car: coooooperrrr.
8. 5 years from now: mm, that would make me 20. still in college being uberstudious, puahaha.
9. 10 years from now: 25! hopefully establishing a good career. relationship-wise, i've never thought of it.
10.20 years from now: 35! omg who knows what. the future is scary.

section three - h a v e y o u e v e r
1. Done Drugs: just over the counter stuff.
2. Run Away From Home: thought about it as a child but never did.
3. Hit A Girl: i've never been in a physical fight, besides siblings, lol.
4. Lied: if I said no that would be proof that i do.
5. Stolen Anything: noooo.
6. Broken A Bone: twisted an ankle playing tennis.
7. Cheated On A Test: nope!
8. Cheated On A Boyfriend: no, this is nonexistant! lol
9. Gotten Drunk: nonono
10. Been With Two guys/girls At Once: relationshipwise? nooo
11. Been In The Hospital: when i was born, hah.
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yessums.
13. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: lol how does that happen?
14. Gone to Church: yes, sundays
15. Never slept during a night: yessssss
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: yes
17. Been to a camp: symposium for a week w/o parents in DC, but we stayed at the ritz. so lol.
18. Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: my own.
19. Seen someone die: no )=
20. Gone a week w/out shaving: let's be french! gross.
21. Didn’t wash your hair for a week: ew ew ew.
22. Broken something valuable: violin :cries:
23. Ever been in love: there's a difference between being in love & loving someone.
24. Streaked the streets: lol never but streaking stories make good conversation.
25. Screamed at someone for no reason: :screams:
26. Said I love you and meant it: yes.
27. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: i think? idk. lol
28. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: haha these make the best conversations.
29. Pulled a prank: :D
30. Made fun of someone: please, who hasn't.

section four - w h i c h i s b e t t e r
1. Coke Or Pepsi: coke
2. Cats Or Dogs: i am divided amongst the kitties&puppies
3. DVDs or VHS: DVD
4. Deaf Or Blind: NEITHER. lol wtf mate.
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: poool.
6. Television Or Radio: la radio.
7. CDs Or MP3’s: CDs make you feel all special inside.
8. Apples or oranges: applejuice. orange fruits. lol
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
10. Gold or silver: silver.
11. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolateeeee
12. Movies or music: la musica
13.Park or Beach: Beach. park<3
14. Hot or Cold weather: cold weather = cuddling
15. Sunset or Sunrise: sunsets have orange skies and a lovely tint.

section five - w h e n i s t h e l a s t t i m e y o u ..
1. Took a shower: today
2. Cried: hm.
3. Watched a Disney movie: antz, monday?
4. Given/gotten a hug: mumz0r.
5. Been to the movies: i think it was phantom of the opera w/ le theatere.
6. Had a boy/girlfriend: not officially, i could get into the technicalities, but not now, lol.
7. Kissed pecked someone: puhaha. yay strikeout.
8. Said I love you: mumz0r.
9. Danced: this morning, hahah
10. Did a survey like this: well what am i doing now? lol

section six - w h a t i s ..
1. Your Fondest Memory Of This Year: ...there have been too many. (=
2. Your Most Prized Possession: necklace from my birthday?
3. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: puns, corny jokes, poke fights, hugs. (=
4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: cereal. :D
5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: yay rice. hah
6. Your Favorite Slow Song: shrug. hmhmhm.
7. Your Ideal BF/GF: understanding, good listener, one who knows how to cheer you up; a friend first.

section seven - w h a t d o i f e e l a b o u t ..
1. Bill Clinton: he wasn't a bad president.
2. Love at First Sight: I'd like to believe in it but i guess it is lust then love.
3. Abortion: yes and no.
4. Smoking: :coughcoalitioncough:
5. Death: \:
6. Eating disorders: go find a doctor.
7. Rap: \:
8. Marilyn Manson: never listened.
9. Premarital sex: i've never really thought about it.
10. Suicide: stupid and sad.

section eight - i n f o r m a t i o n
1. full birth name: stephanie ruiza lim
2. hair color: jet black
3. eye color: dark brown
4. current height: 5'1 )=
5. glasses/contacts: neither!
6. birthdate: January 11
7. religion: catholic
8. current age: 15
9. siblings: pierre, angelo, sean
10. siblings age: 33, 26, 12
11. location: Las Vegas. wasnt this a question earlier?
12. college plans: ivy league
13. any piercings: ze ears.

section 9 - s o c i a l
1. best guy friend: shrugshrugshrug.
2. best girl friend: magda. man i miss her.
3. current crush: puhaha
4. boyfriend/girlfriend: yes-no-sorta-kinda-maybe haha to be continued.
5. are u center of attention or wallflower: depends on the situation. there are times where each are good.
6. what type automobile do u drive: now mainly nothing )=
7. are u timely or always late: late \:
8. do u have a job: yes, and i make under minimum wage. lol
9. like being around people: :D
10. hobbies: YOU<3

section 10 - l o v e
1. have u ever loved someone u had no chance with?: no.
2. have u ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did?: noope
3. do u have a “type” of person u always go after: not really.. i don't dig badguys though. :shrug:
4. want someone u don’t have right now?: i didn't know you could own someone. wanting people sounds sexual. lol
5. ever liked a close guy/girlfriend?: yessums
6. are u lonely right now?: I'm coping. sorta. lol
7. ever afraid u’ll never get married?: i'm one of those girls where marriage isn't all that important to me. a career and education is more important to me \:
8. do u want to get married?: see 7, lol
9. do u want kids?: kids can be annoying. other times they're cute. idk, lol.
10. would you rather love or be loved?: i'd rather love. (=

section 11 - f a v o r i t e s
1. room in house: my rooom.
2. type of music: whatever's on my playlist, lol
3. location for dates: i wouldn't know. hah
4. memory: memories, woah woah woah memories.
5. day of the week: thursday = easy block day!
6. color: yay greeen.
7. perfume or cologne: if a cologne isn't strong its like <3. not on me though. haha DUH.
8. flower: I don't particularly like flowers but tulips, cherry blossoms, and tiger lilies.
9. month: March? lol
10. season: fall is just right minus allergies.

secion 12 - i n t h e l a s t 48 h o u r s h a v e y o u ..
1. cried: nuu
2. bought something: yes.
3. gotten sick: stomach virus \:
4. sang: cannonball - damien rice
5. said i love you: si
6. wanted to tell someone u loved them but didn’t: don't think so.
7. met someone new: i don't think the mailman counts.
8. moved on: from what?
9. talked to someone: yess
10. had a serious talk: hm.
11. missed someone: )=
12. hugged someone: yeaa
13. kissed someone: noope.
14. fought with your parents: haha oops.
15. dreamed about someone you can’t be with: sleep is for ze weak. REPENT HEATHENS! :smacks with bible:
16. had a lot of sleep: not really.
17. wanted this survey to be over: FINALLY.

these have no relevance to anything.
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