Nov 14, 2006 12:57

Character: Tifa Lockheart
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Version: Mid-AC
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Tifa's most charming feature would most probably be her deep red eyes, even though her perfect figure also has a certain appeal. She has a pretty face with her big eyes and dainty lips. Despite her delicate-looking face, however, Tifa has a fairly muscular body. Her fair complexion is set out by her mainly black outfit as well as her long black hair. She wears her hair loose and sideswept to the right. Her outfit consists of a sleeveless black top with knee-length pants and a cape of sorts around her waist. The outfit is completed with matching black boots. When fighting, she wears black leather gloves. The only color in her outfit is perhaps the pink suede ribbon tied around her left arm in memory of Aerith.

Personality: Tifa is optimistic and selfless with her heart worn on her sleeves, three qualities which perhaps earned her the status of the town's sweetheart. She is also very loyal to her friends, and coupled with her strong determination and power, would make you think twice about harming those close to her. She also has a soft spot for children and child-like people as shown by her fondness for Marlene, Denzel, and also Cloud. While she seems like one with no flaws whatsoever, Tifa is but a human and she is not perfect.

Growing up upon the pedestal that people had placed her on, Tifa had been expected to always show a perfect front all the time. This often prevents her from facing her problems, brushing it off as if it is not there or withdrawing instead. She also tends to become the emotional crutch for people around her without trying to sort out her own problems. She is also very dependent on her loved ones, as she realizes that she cannot live happily without them by her side. Despite this, Tifa still finds it very hard to really say how she really feels about the people around her. While she finds it hard to say with words, the things she does for her loved ones show just how much she cares. It is just like she says, words really aren't the only things that say how you're feeling.

Abilities/Weaponry: Tifa is very capable at hand-to-hand combat, relying mostly on her amazing agility and speed. When fighting, she usually wears her gloves, Premium Heart, which imbues her with superhuman strength despite its plain appearance.

Weaknesses: Tifa is very dependent on her loved ones, and while she would put up a cheerful front, she would break down without them around her. She also tends to barge into battle with her blind courage and short temper, which may prove to be very dangerous for her and those around her.

History: Born in the small town of Nibelheim, Tifa was the pretty little girl that everyone adored since she was young. While having many friends around her in her childhood, Tifa had always been intrigued by the quiet boy, Cloud, who had no friends. When her mother died, Tifa, then aged eight, took the myth of travelling spirits to be true and set off to go to Mount Nibel to find her mother. Somehow, she ended up going there with Cloud. In an accident, the two children fell off the cliff, but while Cloud only suffered from cuts and bruises, Tifa fell into a coma. When she woke up, Cloud had been even more shunned by the townspeople and she was also forbidden to speak to him. Despite that, Tifa still approached Cloud and they grew closer for a little while, until he, like all the other boys, decided to go join SOLDIER. Before he left, Cloud promissed Tifa that he will come to her rescue whenever she is in trouble. Around the same time, Tifa started learning martial arts from Zangan.

Seven years later, strange monsters started appearing around Nibelheim, and three people from Shinra were sent to investigate. They were Sephiroth, Zack and Cloud. Cloud kept his identity hidden from Tifa, who acted as the town's representative and showed the three of them around the town. Finding out about the gruesome experiment regarding Jenova and himself, Sephiroth turned extremely angry. He burned down the town of Nibelheim and murdered the people on the streets. Tifa heard the commotion and ran outside to find her missing father. Together with Zack, they searched the Mako reactor, finding her father already killed by Sephiroth. Even though she knows that Sephiroth is definitely no match for her, Tifa took up Sephiroth's discarded sword and tried to attack him. He easily took the sword back and cut her down. Zangan rescued her and took her to Midgar to be treated.

Since then, she stayed in Midgar, eventually opening up a bar called the 7th Heaven and joining the resistance faction AVALANCHE which is against Shinra. She also made friends with Barret and his adopted daughter, Marlene. Five years after the events in Nibelheim, she meets Cloud again. He claims that they were very close childhood friends and that everyone adored them both. It is only fitting after all, for a first class SOLDIER like him and a pretty girl like Tifa. Although knowing that it is not exactly true, Tifa played along with his story and even came to accept it as the truth. Over the course of events, most of Midgar was destroyed as well as the bar and they found themselves caught up in the bigger battle for the planet's survival.

It started with the three of them, Barret, Tifa and Cloud, but they met several people along the way, namely Aerith, Vincent, Red XIII, Cait Sith, Cid and Yuffie. While fighting for the planet's survival, they were also forced to face their personal problems, and eventually Cloud found out that what he believed to be his past is merely something he made up. Aerith took up the duty to help Cloud at first, but when she was tragically murdered by Sephiroth, Tifa quickly stepped in. Eventually, they toppled Shinra, defeated Sephiroth and saved the world from Meteor with great help from the Lifestream. The group then went their separate ways while keeping a tiny part of each other in their hearts. In memory of Aerith, they all wear a pink suede ribbon around their arms.

Tifa set up a new bar in the town of Edge, keeping a home for Barret, Cloud and Marlene. Just when it seemed that 'happily ever after' is hers, Barret expressed his restlessness and set out to discover himself. And then there were only Tifa, Cloud and Marlene. Cloud started taking up delivery jobs to help Tifa support the three of them, spending less time with Tifa and Marlene. While saddened that Cloud is not home as often, she told herself that having her loved ones around her is perfect enough, they do not have to be around all the time. One day, Cloud brought home a sick boy. Tifa quickly took care of the boy, discovering that he is a victim of Geostigma and an orphan from the incident that destoyed Midgar. She took him under her care, a son just like Marlene is a daughter. After Denzel joined the family, Cloud became more open somewhat. The four of them felt like a real family and that was much more than Tifa could ever wanted. Things were not perfect yet, but they will come to place in time.

And so, when Cloud did not return from a delivery for several days, it's alright, because they are a real family and he will return someday. When days turned to weeks and weeks to months, however, Tifa found herself unable to hide the fact that something is wrong. She found herself feeling lonely. Cloud never picked up her calls, and while she knows that he listens to his messages, she cannot help but feel her heart sink whenever the messaging service kicks in. Agreeing to Marlene's suggestion, the two of them went to Aerith's church to meet Cloud, discovering that perhaps the reason to his departure was his Geostigma. Reluctant to meet him because she doesn't know how to handle him when she does, she tried coaxing Marlene to go home. But the little girl refused. It turned out that waiting for Cloud is a terrible idea when a silver-haired man appeared and asked for Mother. Tifa went into combat with him and was rendered unconscious. When she finally woke up, she finds herself in a strange place called Paixao.
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