May 30, 2004 00:57
Ya know ive heard people say this stuff all the time but it never really made an impact on me...I dont watch enough tv to realize how much shit is on there. Growing up i never watched tv and this past year i didnt ahve one to worry about. But now we have satilite and my brothers are couch potatos so the tv is constantly on. im trying to bond with them so i sat wiht them tonight. Have you guys ever seen law and order?? I mean i see its a good show...talks alot about psych stuff and laws...but damn is it intense. Like really intense. Rape and torture...stuff i heard about in psych class. I just cant beleive its on for anyone to watch...
This confirms my plan that if i have kids, they will def not watch tv. Except for some of those sing along videos. Those really sparked my imagination. Not sing alotn but there was this one with this magical music mantion and all these different musical people did stuff and there was a myster and was awesome. And this other one where the kids jumped into a coloring book but there was no color. so they had to bring it back. those are allowed.