Dec 26, 2005 02:12
Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to live this life with no brain at all
or maybe with every experience and every answer under your belt. Which would be better? To know nothign at all or to know exactly what to expect at every moment?
To know to much or to know to little
Or even too feel too much? I can tell you thats no fun.
But to feel too little? To not know at all? To be oblivious
There must be an in between. In all the tumultuous. I mean here comes a perfectly nice healthy situation but b/c of all the disapointment in ones life the cahnce could be lost.
To step away- to observe it all. Possibly then you could figure it all out and become wiser.
So maybe knowing or experiencing isnt even the real issue. The real isue is how u see things and how you precieve them to be. And then what you understand from what you saw. When it is your problem or your thougths there is no way it can be see lgically. or even be understood.
To step away from oneslef is to understand them?
Im not sure any of this quite makes any sense at all. Im not sure of what makes sense anymore. I feel as though I have a stick with a flame on the end of it, you know like in the olympics the torch runner, and ive been running with this torch just running, but i dont know where I am going or what Im supposed to do wiht it, or even if I shoudl have it-But I have crossed mountains and fought tigers just too keep this torch lit and safe and yet the same time I dont know why Ive done or it even how. Im just running. Im not even thinking about the fact tha tim running or where Im running to. And b/c im not focusing on it, the torch is melting, the wood is begging to fall apart and yet i jsut keep running tyring ot find the safe place.
And see the torch cant even melt. that isn tpossible.
and yet maybe it is? in this sick stoyr, this sick head i think that it oculd melt. And thats what im running from.
Oh this is all just a babble and it only makes sense to me.