Feb 15, 2006 04:16
Ok as i was doing my mindnumingly boring job tonight i got to thinkin...who in the hell thought up sponge bob square pants? I mean did some random CEO of Nickelodian suddenly deside that a sponge in the middle of an ocean named Bob was a good idea for a TV series? OR did it go something like this>
CEO meeting with employees:
"Ok guys we need to think of a new TV show for kids..."
>Random muttering<
"Now i know what you all are thinking our last TV show wasnt that great but this one will be better...ok heres the deal i just took some acid in the bathroom, and as i was walking out the Janitors sponge talked to me....You guys see were i am going with this...?
>Blank stares<
"A talking sponge!!!!!"
>more blank stares and nervous coughing<
"Now what does a Sponge do...better yet were do they live...?"
Nervous employee " The ocean"
CEO now screaming "THE OCEAN!!! THATS IT...now what does a sponge do for a living...??? Hmmmmm..."
Pointing to over weight man "Hey Fatty i havnt heard you talk yet...."
Nervous reply "Um fast food?"
So you get the basic idea....your favorite TV show was an acid trip gone bad....makes sence...or not...im realy not sure were this came from or anything. But i think i am gonna start posting more of my random epiphanies at work...i have a lot of time to think. See ya all later...(p.s. dont forget my phones dead)