2. Corollaries - I fucking hate suicides. [ Video Blog -- Public]

Mar 06, 2009 18:12

[Today's blog is sadly lacking actual Squalo. But have a view of his babies, since it's time to feed the piranhas.]

You know what fucking sucks? Really? Selfish people. It's so fucking annoying when someone manages to fuck up their lives to the point the sheer fail starts to smear people around them.

Take the moron that inspired this week's column for example. How pathetic do you need to be, to manage to fuck up everyone's morning with your death? I mean, we're a civilized society. We have guns and pills and poison and fuck it, good old rope! Did that girl really need to jump into the tracks and end her miserable existence as a smear of blood and guts?

I mean, jeeze, have some fucking high standards! Or at least don't pollute the already grim landscape with your innards! It's likely they're just as ugly as your hide!


Did anyone else get caught in that mess? It was a fucking headache. Please, if you're my reader or in any way associated with me, when the time comes for you to kick it... kick it in private.

You'll embarrass me by association otherwise.

you're so not worth my time but i'll try, just die already, stupid people are stupid, *blog, piranhas are love

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