Just One Look

Aug 05, 2012 16:58

I didn't want for this to happen, but I don't regret it.

They say you love your own face, and I do.

I mean, I was attracted to her mother more than 25 years ago, wouldn't it carry that I'd be attracted to someone who looks just like her, with perhaps a little bit of me thrown in?

And maybe it's a second chance. Maybe I screwed up, leaving this angel before she even came into existence. Why chastise me for trying to make it right? Maybe with the new baby, I can be the father I was supposed to be for my daughter, for my lover.

It's so much more than the sex. It was never meant to be the sex. It was love at first sight. And more powerful than that even. A love that had been there since before she was born, a love I never even knew was there, but was given time and space to grow monstrous in size, though I ignored it.

Seeing her that day, I knew. It took just one look. This was the woman I was meant to be with. And the more we talked, the more clear it became. We have so much in common.


I'm not sure why this is a crime, to be honest. We take responsibility for the genetic life we created, and guess what, there's nothing wrong with the baby. Why shouldn't we be happy? Why shouldn't we have a family? Sure, I understand it's looked down upon because of the children, but we dodged that bullet. If there is nothing wrong with the child, why shouldn't we go forward? His life will be normal. We'll make sure of it.

Gay people marry. Straight people marry. Unwed mothers have children. Why are we different, ostracized? Shouldn't we be afforded the same chance at happiness as everyone else?

We are two consenting adults, and blood runs thicker than water, they say. If we choose this, why should you be able to stop us?

I love her. She is my daughter, yes. She is my lover, yes. My next child will be both my baby and my grandbaby.

I don't see the problem.


(Note: The writer does not actually condone incest.)

therealljidol, lj idol

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