Poor Dulce

Apr 01, 2012 22:15

Dulce is legit ill. We're visiting my parents at the beach, and she started coughing something terrible. She was so happy to be at the beach, she gave it her best shot for, like, ten minutes, then she couldn't even. She just lay on the towel, for a while until I decided it was enough and brought her back to my parents' place. She screamed about having to rinse off in the bath and then fell right to sleep for nap. Then when she woke up, she did nothing but lay on me for a long while, and she'd worked up quite a fever. We got her some Tylenol and the fever went down. She felt better and asked to go for a walk, so we did. Then she played nicely, if quietly, and ate some Tostito chips and guacamole. So we thought, crisis over.

Wrong. Kids. They totally fool you. By the time dinner came around, she wanted nothing to do with it, and she spiked a raging fever (we have no thermometer here, but it's HIGH). I gave her some more Tylenol. Then she threw it up.

She's in bed right now, went to sleep immediately, again, but she's so sick. I don't even know. I feel so bad. Poor kiddo. And even still, with everything, right before bed, she looks at me with big saucer eyes. "Can I try to play with Daddy, like Lilly?"


sickness, dulce

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