I've written about
healing relationships before, but have fine tuned and super charged the process a bit, so thought I'd share it.
It works like this:
stage one
Ground yourself (not critical, but helpful)
2. Imagine a rose (or anything really. Just a neutral object) in front of you, then ground that too. If it needs an extra boost, imagine the Hand of God (tm) coming down and touching it, making it glow.
3. Imagine the person you're trying to heal your relationship with on the other side of the rose
4. Have the connection (ie, the relationship) between you go into the rose on each side
5. Put the grounding cord of the rose in super vacuum mode
At this point, the rose will divert any negative energy that's there down its grounding tube into the earth. You can then look at YOUR side of the relationship (by looking at the visual metaphor of the cord between you) and see how healthy it is.
The important thing is that the rose separates the two sets of energies out. Because they're not mixed up, it's much easier to identify & heal first your issues, then theirs. How?
1. Look at any part of the cord that is dark (ie, not healthy). Start on your side
2. Empty your brain
3. Let the "thing that needs to be said" come into your mind, and then genuinely, deeply, say it.
How do you know what it is? It just comes to you. You focus on the dark patches with a calm, gently expectant mind, and the right thing to say will arrive. Sometimes it's "I'm sorry I hurt you", sometimes it's "I forgive you for hurting me", "I forgive you for being jealous of me". And so on. It's completely dependent on your relationship. As you say what needs to be said, you'll see the dark patches clear up and disappear. Then you can focus on the next dark patch in the cord, and so on. Sometimes the right thing will be immediately obvious, sometimes it takes a little while to realise why it's there. Just be patient. When you're finished on your side, start on theirs. The important thing is that while you're dealing with your stuff, their stuff doesn't intrude, and vice versa.
After a while, it'll get hard to find things to say to clear out the dark patches - or things will just stop coming into your head. Now it's time for stage two.
Oh, one final note. If you start feeling tired, or there's lots there and it's just wearing you out. Please take a break. There's no rush. Sometimes it just feels like it's best to come back to it a little bit later - after a sleep, or in a few days. Just go with the flow.
stage two
While focussing on the cord, just do a round of
tapping (or hell, any healing technique. Whatever works best for you), saying something like "The remaining issues in my relationship with [name]". You'll see the remaining dark patches on the cord between you clear up and disappear. This is you healing the relationship, specifically, the subtle little bits that are too minor to easily pick out individually.
stage three
When the cord is clear, and you feel like the tapping isn't helping much any more (or you're bored, that's fine too), then just imagine the person in front of you. Watch bright light pour out of your heart to cover them, and do a bunch of rounds, tapping "I completely and unconditionally love you [name]" (or a phrase along those lines that works for you. Best to keep it in the first person though, after all, you are talking TO them).
Generally, if you've cleared out all the crap between you, you'll see them (in your mind's eye) start to respond, and start to glow also. Hey presto, healed relationship. Just keep going until you really feel that love for them. Unconditional. Complete.
The really freaky thing I've found about this technique is the things that come up in stage one. I get surprised a hell of a lot of the time. And yet, the things that do arise make perfect sense. Where the hell they come from, I wouldn't have a clue (my higher self? A universal consciousness? Who knows), but they're bang on the money.
Anyway, there you have it. If you have relationships that you care about, that you'd like to improve, or completely heal, this is the best (and fastest, by a MILE) technique I've found so far for doing so. Most every day relationships I have I can heal completely in under a minute. Even serious, immediate family relationships have probably taken less than 10 minutes in total. It's pretty amazing.
Oh, and yes, as before, this often results in otherwise unexplainable about turns in people's behaviours towards me - plus, more importantly, my behaviour towards them. Outside, as always, is simply a reflection of inside.
[edit: A tip for serious players: The most important relationship in your life is that which you have with yourself *wink*]