Jan 18, 2014 21:34
So. This could have probably gone better.
Not only was the stupid house she was having built on this stupid island still under stupid construction, but now it was covered in a solid layer of ice. All of it. Like, the furniture, too. And the yard. And poor Babou kept shaking snow out of his whiskers. And all because Cheryl had just decided to mix ice princess powers and huffing spray paint.
It had seemed like a good idea at the time.
"Whatever," Cheryl decided. This morning, she'd woken up and discovered pretty much off the bat that she could freeze literally everything she touched. Which made for a really interesting shower. (This was also how she discovered that she was immune to the cold-fingers, if you catch her drift.) And it wasn't half as much fun as fire, no, but there was still a lot of shit she could destroy this way. She'd made some pretty deadly-looking icicles on the eaves, too.
Now she was standing out in the yard, in a sort of...ice-webby dress thing she'd made. It hadn't come out as awesome as she'd wanted -- it was mostly sort of patches of ice and snow that were covering up her naughty bits, but she thought it looked sexy. It was like, a theme. And it was from here that she was forming obscene snow-people out of thin air, cackling maniacally all the while. Maybe later she could deep-freeze Pam in her sleep, and then bury her, and then in a hundred thousand years or whatever they'd find her and open her up and study her! That would almost be as much fun as setting something on fire, right? If she used her imagination?
[totally open. Cheryl has Elsa's powers and I don't think Disney would endorse her use of them. oh, and drug references and language and general NSFWness abound, as per usual.]
[what] powers swap,
[what] this was a bad idea