Nov 16, 2008 16:01
This is an AU!Verse response.
2. What do your friends think of your partner? Does their opinion of him/her matter to you?
Ha, well, I met most of my friends through Kara, since she rescued my ass from Caprica. And I'm pretty sure that they will agree with me on this one.
Honestly? My wife is sometimes hard to be around, I know that. She's defensive as all hell, she has a really bad temper and she cusses like a sailor, and she's not very...let's just say she's not very warm and fuzzy and leave it at that, okay?
But, before she beats me up for this, what she is--she's never easy, you know? She makes you work for it. You can't let your guard down around Kara. Being with her is like playing Pyramid, you gotta be on your toes, you gotta be ready to pass or shoot or fight or hit the bench. And call me crazy or a masochist or whatever, but I like that about her.
She's also great in bed, and I'm not stupid enough to think a lot of her friends don't actually know that one first hand. ::laughs::
I love Kara, because she's fierce and tough, sure, but also because she's tenacious and loyal, and the bravest person I know. You always know where you stand with her, and I like that. I think people who call her their friend, I think they like that, too.
But if they didn't, that'd be okay. I love Kara, so I hope they'd be okay with that even if they didn't like her.
I think what people might not get, maybe, is the thing with Leoben. How I can "share" her with him. The thing is, right, I said you knew where you stood with her. This was no different, and hell, she was right. Things are better than they've ever been, and I don't care if anyone thinks it's stupid or strange or frakked up or what. People don't also get how she can be with him, after New Caprica, but I think I'm starting to get it. I don't know if I can put it in words--I don't know if they could--but yeah, I can see it.
And Leoben's not a bad guy. We've kind of bonded. It's nice to have someone else around to deal with Kara and her temper, that's for sure. He's a good cook, he can play Pyramid or Triad, and the sex with the three of us is actually really hot if you can get past the oracle-speak, he's kind of funny at times.
So, there it is. I hope that friends of mine get it, but if they don't, I hope they at least understand it's enough that I do--and Kara, and Leoben--and let the three of us work it out. Because it's working, and that's all that matters.
verse: au