(no subject)

Jan 04, 2006 22:24

I came across a very ancient galdor spell. Traces of its use can be found in many cultures. It is generally used against one who has wronged the wizard who pronouces the curse. Make sure you read the whole thing before you try it. Be aware that use by novices is not recommended. Here it is:

This spell requireth ye hand gesture to be made in ye following way. Extend thy power hand outward toward thy intended target with thy palm facing thy face. Fold thy thumb, first, third, and small fingers into thy palm. If this be done properly, then ye finger of death and damnation shall be extended towards the heavens.
Whilst making the sign of malediction indicated above, intone the following incantation in a great and wrathful voice:





This being done, the wrongdoer's fate is sealed. Great care must be taken with this most potent curse. It has been known in some instances for angry howling demons to take control of the intended target, causing great bodily harm to the unfortunate wizard. Enjoy this one. I know I will.
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