
Aug 05, 2003 03:05

Everything is fine.

It's recently occured to me that this Livejournal is more embarasing than it is useful. I've taken out all my self-serving, childish posts from the past, and left only the one's that I think people will actually enjoy reading.

I think that livejournals wouldn't have such a negative stigma attached to them, if people actually tried to entertain their audience, but, I suppose the draw of these things is the idea of reading someone's actual journal. Livejournals are like video phones, Beta cassete tapes, Segway's, electric cars, and vacuum hair cutters; Great ideas that just didn't turn out.

Neil Miron sent me an e-mail a while back curtly asking me to take the slanderous comments I made about out of my journal. I didn't know this was such a hot spot for E/N, but, hopefully with me taking out the.... mmm... childish posts, I've removed whichever tidbit of annoyance I expressed about his company.


It's winding down to my last few weeks here in Kingston, and it's been, easily, the best summer of my life. Met tons of interesting people, learned a thing or two about women, met a girl, gained some independance, made some cash, and got an idea of what life is like outside of a comfortable suburb. I really wish I had kept a journal while down here. Everyday, so much happens that I know I'll want to remember in the future. I figure that the amount of interesting/significant events that happen down here, compare the number back in Ottawa, is about 5:1. That means that the last 4 months living down here have yeilded about 2 years worth of stories from back home. This is sounds about correct to me.

Two of my housemates went back to Ottawa yesterday and offered to take me. I seriously have no desire to go back. The only things I miss from Ottawa are my friends and family. I don't miss any social scene, any bar, any parties, any job or any girl, because basically there are none of these things in Ottawa that I haven't found a better substitute for in Kingston. I miss my homies and my bitches, my Ma and Pa, and my sis and bro, but nothing else. It would have been nice if I could divide my time equally between Ottawa and Kingston. Come up and visit and chill with friends more often who I usually see during the summer, but, I'm really sick of the bus, and we're still waiting for that money tree to start growing in our back yard.

I miss just talking to a lot of my friends. ICQ is a pretty poor substitute, and I rarely use it these days. I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends when I get back. So many stoires that I wish I had the ability to tell them the day they happened down here. They must have a lot to tell me about as well when I get back home. It'll be a good night out, I'm sure.

Perhaps for this last month, I'll try to keep a journal of what happens each day.

- Couldn't sleep last night, so I stayed up 'till 8am watching movies that are shared on the network.
- Woke up at 5pm.
- Blaire came over, and we went to this fucking AWESOME rock climbing gym. They have this 100 foot smoke stack that you can climb the inside of. Blaire did the hard course up, and I took the pussy course, and had to climb the ladder for the last few feet.. Fuck, I suck... At the top is this awesome view of kingston though. I'm supprised I didn't drop a log out my harness; No rope and pulley system can completely take the fear out of clinging to a wall THAT high up. I did fall and dropped about 5 or 6 feet, which put the fear of God in me. Anyone coming to Kingston HAS to see this thing, Blaire says it's one of the best climbing gyms in Ontario. Hannan, Blaire, this chick he knows, and myself will hit it again on Wednesday if my Mom and sis don't come down.
- Hannan was getting back from Ottawa when I got home from the gym. She brought back all this crazy Leb food, we ate it, then went and rented High Fidelity.
- Dave, Salty, Ashley, Nathan, and Daniel made there way to the house throughout the movie, started watching the movie with us, and sparked a couple joints. I didn't smoke (you know I never do), but maybe I should've. Movie was fucking LONG, and incredibly preachy.
- We all chilled on the porch, smoked cigarettes and played guitar after the movie.
- Hot waitress from the Brass walked by our house. She is really fucking cute, 20, has a great body, and is sort of timid, but, after seeing that movie, I dunno.. I just had less inhibitions about saying something to her. No one knows her or anything.. anything more than 'that hot waitress from The Brass'.... So she walks by and I say "Hey, you're that waitress from The Brass'. The porch went silent, thinking I had made an ass out of myself, and the whole house, but she turned to me and sort of muttered "Ohh.. ummm...". I said "Am I wrong?". And she just said "No no.. Yeah, I work there.. Yeah you look familliar", and she stuck around and just started chatting it up, it was awesome!! My Niggaz was flashing maaaad snaps for that one. She DOES live right behind us, so, who knows, maybe I'll invite her to come chill with us when she's off work next night I talk to her at The Brass....
- Ashley dropped her keys in the crack between our porch stairs, and the porch.
- Ryan got them out with a coat hanger... This actually isn't as impressive a story if you don't know what our porch looks like.. it's a huge, very deep crevase, and anything that falls down there is lost forever usually.... well, moving on....
- Went out to get McDicks with Ashley, Ryan, and Dave.
- Ordered our food in a pirates voice ("A Large Fry, For I.." etc. etc.).
- Ryan spilled a large ice tea in Ashleys car. Ashley didn't really care.
- Came back, chilled some more, then went to bed. Ohh, and did this livejournal shit..

Hmm... reading this over, some of those stories are a bit trivial, but, climbing a 100 foot smoke stack and aquianting myself with a hot waitress I yelled a rediculously stupid opening line at, are things that would be note worthy, if they happened in Ottawa. It would be a pretty awesome day for me back home, but, down here, it's just another day.


There aren't really any good T.V's down here, so I haven't been watching NEARLY as much T.V as I would back home. On Sunday, I did watch a bit of T.V before I went to bed, and I saw these ads for the most fucking retarted reality T.V shows, movies, CDs, and other form of media (some REALLY freaky web-site, whos ad hinted that it might be some forum for hooking up 3-ways and partner swaps between couples). Another thing I really don't miss from back home, is constantly being exposed to the SHIT that pop culture has to offer. Each bar from Ottawa plays the exact same, new 15 fucking songs. The new Sean Paul, new Beyonce, new J-Lo, new 50 cent, new whatever-the-fuck-is-being-overplayed. Some of the new video's I saw were just sad. No namers in low-budget, poorly choreographed videos, singing formula driven, repetative, lyrically neutral songs they didn't write. They're employees, not artists. There aren't really any T.V's down here, and I'm not at bars that play Top 40 shit, so, it'll be quite the experience leaving the pop culture deprevation chamber at the end of the month.

Reality shows are really really really starting to lack though. Tonight I saw an ad for Big Brother 4, which seemed to be lowering it's guard against exposing the conflict creating devices it employes to make the show interesting. Extremely awkward, stressful situations, fueled by alcohol, designed with psychological consultants to maximize the hostility, in a setting that would wear the mind in uncommon and unpredictable ways, seem to be the main coefficients in the design of a reality show.

Shows like Big Brother, Survivor, The Restaurant (which I, sadly, actually watched on Sunday), and whatever shit there about to push over our cable lines, all are designed aroung breaking people's minds.

Survivor and Big Brother break you with captivity.

The Restaurant and The Great Race break you with stress.

Fear Factor and Scare Tactics break you with fear.

It's such a perverted idea. You're watching people at the most embarrasing points in their life. People shitting their pants from fear, or fighting like children, or strained our of their skulls from stress, are experiencing very personal, very embarrasing emotions. You wouldn't like seeing yourself in that situation, and that's what makes it good T.V. To me, watching this stuff, is like pulling up a lawn chair, and a 6 pack of beer, infront of a fatal car crash. It's perverse, and I feel embarrased watching it, but it's really hard to look away :)

In 5 years time, there'll be a show that is based around humans dying on camera. That's the upper limit of the type of boundary that these shows try to push.


When a relationship ends, it's always the person who initiated it who gets the least hurt, if at all. Even if the other person knows that it's the best thing, and was days from initiating the break themselves, it's always the first person to press the button who comes out ahead. You could be reaching for the phone to call them to tell them that it's over, but if that phone rings in your hand before you dial, and it's them, and they spit it all out at you before you get a chance to speak, you lose.

When it's over, it's not about the good times you had, it's about who wins.


It's pretty late now. This LJ can be pretty fun if you don't write about how much life sucks.
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