OOC - Character sheet

Jun 02, 2007 15:32

Brief bio/personality outline of your character:

Well. Gabriel is in many ways the living embodiment of the saying that everyone is the hero of their own story. He is driven by the need to be special, significant, important -- he wants to be more than he is, and more than any other human. For years this ambition went unsated, but now that geneticist Chandra Suresh has stepped into the picture, it has taken a dangerous turn.

Gabriel always wondered how far he would go to be special. Now he knows. And part of him is horrified that he has killed a man, convinced that he is damned, terrified of the consequences -- but another, swiftly growing part laughs in its face. Brian Davis didn’t want his power -- didn’t deserve it. He was weak and insignificant, whilst it is Gabriel’s -- Sylar’s -- destiny to grow, become better, stronger, more special, more important. It’s a scientific fact. It’s his evolutionary imperative.

Gabriel’s mind is at war with itself, and the darker side is winning.

Gabriel’s mother is an extremely devout Catholic, and her influence has rubbed off on him. He pinwheels between ignoring God and begging His forgiveness, much as he does between his horror at and pleasure in his new identity. He's not particularly strong physically, though he has an impressive eye for detail and surprisingly dextrous fingers.

He’s a clever man, though this can make him overconfident, and he hates above all to be seen as average or ordinary. Though he can be insensitive, he’s not needlessly cruel, and can even be quite kind and generous when he wants to be. He’s even been described as charming, in a nerdy sort of way, though years of working alone repairing watches has done nothing for his social skills. As a rule of thumb, his actions towards you will be governed by how much you interest him, and to a lesser extent how much he can gain from you, though he’s not yet entirely calculating in his relationships. What he really wants from people is recognition of his talents, and he will flaunt them at any opportunity.

Brief history and background of your character:

Gabriel is the son of a watchmaker, and despite his best efforts he became a watchmaker in his turn. Some said it was in his blood, though it also had more than a little to do with his strange ability to know intuitively how things worked. His family is ordinary, average, insignificant - you wouldn’t look twice if you saw them on the street, and he always hated that. From a very young age, Gabriel used to daydream that he was adopted, and that his real parents were exciting and glamorous people, who would swoop in to take him from a life of monotony into one of fame and adventure.

Clearly, though, this never happened. Gabriel watched and hoped for some outside force to change his life, and meanwhile he carried on in the same old rut, taking over his father’s business, staying ordinary. His mother was always telling him he could do better, that he could be more, that he could be anything he wanted, but every time he nodded and then did nothing about it. He always felt a nagging dissatisfaction, but with nothing to back it up he simply smothered it in routine.

Then, one day, someone came to find him who could confirm that yes, he was important, yes, he was special. A geneticist named Chandra Suresh was investigating a gene he had discovered that gave people certain abilities - Gabriel didn’t understand every detail of the science involved, but the one thing that stood out crystal clear was that of all the people in the world, Chandra had come to him.

And so a rigorous series of tests began: Gabriel had his brainwaves measured and studied, his reflexes tested, his brainpower checked, his strength, his endurance, his memory, his logic skills, everything about him taken and recorded and analysed. It was like heaven for him. It was proof and confirmation that he really was special.

Then the results came back.



And Chandra said: he could have been wrong. There could be nothing special about Gabriel. At least he has his health.

To Hell with his health! Gabriel didn’t want his health. He wanted - he had to be special! He hadn’t come this far just to be thrown back into mediocrity, into insignificance!

There was a post-it note crumpled in his hand when he stormed out of Chandra’s apartment. It had a name on it, an address, and one more word: telekinesis.

And, that afternoon, he killed a man.

By the time Gabriel was picked up by Stacy, he had two powers, and he was no longer insignificant.


The first of his abilities, the one he developed naturally, and the one overlooked as a power by both he and Chandra, has the name “Intuitive Aptitude”. It allows Gabriel to quickly analyse systems, find breakages and know how to fix them, and understand how they work -- even mimic them. If the system is one he understands, such as clockwork, it takes only a matter of moments to identify and mend even a tiny flaw. With any system, though, he will be able to work it out more swiftly than is natural, and will be uncomfortably aware of flaws.

A simple description is that he can hear the system as ticking; flaws are jarring and out of place, and a system beyond repair - or a dead person - is silent, its clockwork run down to stillness. The ticking tells him how things should be. (Though in a panfandom roleplay, with people from many different worlds, what should be and what is can be two very different things. I should imagine he’ll be getting some headaches.)

His telekinesis is new, clumsy and weak, and he’s still getting used to it. All it involves at the moment is picking things up and moving them about without physically touching them, though at a very advanced stage it has canonically been used as a shield, to manipulate several items at once, to lift things many times heavier than could be lifted physically, to stop bullets, and even to levitate. He’s already a little more adept than its previous owner, but that doesn’t mean it won’t fly away from him at odd moments and cause him to drop things or send them speeding into the nearest wall. I’d like to have him practice and grow more adept at it while he’s onboard Stacy, though I’m happy to work out a cap for the power with you modly people.

I think it’d also be quite interesting to have him around in case anyone wants to retire a superpowered pup. Muahaha.

transmigration9, ooc

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