Hypothetical Bear-Cubes

Nov 25, 2009 16:14

Taking a step back, this conversation may have gotten a little out of hand.
(9:00:57 AM) You feel a disturbance in the force...
NotMike: Sup?
MightyDogKing: how fast does the 90 pound dog have to move in order to knock over the 700 pound bear?
NotMike: Are we talking about telecomms again, 'cause it's too early for allegory...
MightyDogKing: is the accelleration on a standing bear 1?
MightyDogKing: LOL
MightyDogKing: no, it's not an allegory.
NotMike: No, the acceleration on a standing bear is not '1'.
NotMike: This is a momentum transfer question.
MightyDogKing: Rex the wonder dog knocked over a bear.
NotMike: We can likely assume that the collision between the bear and Rex is perfectly inelastic.
NotMike: That is, that Rex's total momentum (m*v) before impact is equal to the momentum of the total mass (Rex and the bear) after impact.
MightyDogKing: Now also, rex is a maximal dog, so I think you can give him 100 pounds instead of 90
MightyDogKing: this requires posting as a comment btw
NotMike: That said, this is more of a stability problem, and has much more to do with bear musculature and balance than it does with dynamics.
MightyDogKing: assume a cubical bear?
MightyDogKing: LOL
NotMike: Now, if the bear had an inner ear infection, or, say, ALS, then we're on a whole different subject.
NotMike: It could have been a particularly jumpy bear, prone to being startled.
MightyDogKing: it IS Ursa Major, he could very well have a health problem
MightyDogKing: however, he's standing.
MightyDogKing: so it's easier than 4 leggedy for sure
NotMike: Commie bears, of course, being chronic smokers, and borderline alcoholics.
MightyDogKing: also poor health care in general
MightyDogKing: Nothing borderline about Ursa Major
NotMike: Now, if it was Rex vs. a big, gay, French-resistance gorilla...
MightyDogKing: MAYBE 400 pounds
MightyDogKing: bipedal bear knocked over by a vine-swinging dog.
NotMike: Would you classify Ursa Major as a 'maximal bear', because I don't know that I would.
MightyDogKing: I'm thinking he's moving pretty quickly. also it's pendulum motion.
NotMike: I'm not saying it couldn't happen -- big dude knocked over by baby.
NotMike: Cribbing Python, it's not a simple question of weight ratios.
NotMike: I know for a fact that a five ounce bird can knock a man off, say, a motorcycle.
MightyDogKing: yes. maximal bear, I'm afraid.
NotMike: It's not so much the maximality I have a problem with, but his remaining bearness. 'Bearmanity'.
MightyDogKing: he's like a bear version of super soldier, has survived hulk whomping
MightyDogKing: tends to go feral the longer he stays in bear form
NotMike: I think this one's gonna come down to reaction time, my friend.
NotMike: If he's standing, and Rex catches him off guard, I think that swinging down from a tree could throw him off balance.
MightyDogKing: well, let's scale it down. it's a 1/7 ratio right? so say me, vs 25 pound animal swinging at me...
MightyDogKing: what weights 25 pounds? I think from a reasonable height it'd work.
NotMike: I think it would work, but your weight distribution is not the same as a large bear, even standing.
NotMike: You're practically tall and skinny by comparison.
MightyDogKing: I suppose.
MightyDogKing: I don't know that it would help if I was 185 and 5 foot too much though.
MightyDogKing: I mean, swinging dog....
NotMike: I am going to disagree with you on 'bear version of a super soldier', though.
MightyDogKing: it's in the wiki, he's enhanced.
NotMike: That would be like taking a regular bear and turning it into a super bear.
MightyDogKing: he's definitely better than a real bear. real bears can't bother the hulk at all, but ursa could.
MightyDogKing: I bet he can drive a car in bear mode too.
NotMike: I seem to recall there was some communist villain that had space bears... they would be bear versions of a super soldier.
MightyDogKing: you know, I don't think we're talking abotu Ursa Major here at all, having read the article I'm not even sure where I got that idea.
MightyDogKing: I disagree. they'd be the bear versions of astronauts.
NotMike: That's a fight I wanna see on the moon.
NotMike: Unrelated: Do the Inhumans know about Uatu? They must. They're practically neighbours.
MightyDogKing: space suited bears should not fight in airless environments.
MightyDogKing: in the same manner you're practically neighbours with someone in south america, sure.
MightyDogKing: I bet they don't even have line of sight.
NotMike: I suppose the curvature is greater.
MightyDogKing: I was thinking. have you read the Emberverse books? Dies the fire and such?
MightyDogKing: Alien Space Bats(tm) turn off electricity and ideal gas law stuff that makes exploding not work.
MightyDogKing: so essentially turns the world back to medieval tech. (hydraulics work)
NotMike: Go on.
MightyDogKing: made me wonder if there weren't ways around that that would let distance communication and other things still continue.
MightyDogKing: ways to generate lasers or some other way to send signals through a wire faster than a goddamn pony express relay
NotMike: Bears, man! What does this have to do with bears?
MightyDogKing: at certain pionts in the book, the 'good guys' realize the bad guys think like medieval people, and use hang gliders to infiltrate a castle. I was thinking last night about other uses of what they had to approximate later technologies.
MightyDogKing: no bears.
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