Mar 13, 2008 09:30
I'd just like to say, this is my first post, so I'll try to make it a good one. Just so you know, I don't pre-plan these, they just happen.
So, this Sunday is St. Patrick's Day. The day where everyone is Irish, so they down as much green beer and Guiness as possible. Speaking as a partial-Irish, I'd like to tell you that, you aren't Irish. I'm not even Irish for that matter. The real ones are in and immigrate from Ireland. They're in a class of their own. However, we can all still pretend
With that point aside, let's continue. I believe that St. Patrick's Day is to commemorate the day that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. I'd be pretty eager to celebrate too if we banished all the politicians from our country. But, unlike my facebook post dedicated to bashing Valentine's Day, I must say that St. Pattie's Day is one of my favourite holiday's, and I see the point to it. It's a fun day where everyone celebrates for an almost lost reason. We need more holiday's dedicated to having a good time. I mean, the only others are my other two favourite holidays: Hallowe'en (that's right, I spell it with an apostrophe) and April Fools Day (which is coming up soon!!!). When people come together for the soul purpose of having fun, it truly is a beautiful sight to behold. Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks to St. Patrick's Day are the people who have a few too many and either get behind the wheel of a car, or get into drunken fights. They just make the day messier. I suggest a new holiday, like St. Patrick's Day, only not fueled by a drunken haze.
I'm 17 right now, so I can't legally drink yet, however, I will give a word to those who can. If you're going to drink, take an asprin with your first, and another before you fall asleep/pass out and wash the second down with Pepto Bismol (it helps). Why? Well, this year, St. Patrick's Day falls on a Sunday, meaning that work/school is the next day. Follow my suggestion, it'll make it easier to get back to the mundanity of everyday life (definitely easier without the hangover, or at least a less brutal headache). So, I leave you now with some words of wisdom.
Please Don't Drink and Drive.
-Sean MacLaurin