Jan 06, 2005 21:47
it looks like i pissed off my brother, James' friend, and Joanna.
i really didn't mean to hurt anyone feelings, or saying anything to offend anyone at all.
i should just say, oh i don't give a fuck and blow it off.
but i'm not that kind of person.
i just wanted to apologize to Joanna, Cody, & Denise.
Joanna: i'm sorry for accusing you and James for doing things, that was extremely rude of me. and you've been nothing but wonderful to me. i love you.
Cody: i'm sorry for bringing up your past, to help heal mine. i shouldn't get into your buisness
Denise: i really am sorry to saying stuff about you being edge. it's your life, do whatever you want. i want to wish you and james the best of luck if ya'll ever do date. i'm not going to say anything to him on here because i really have nothing to say to him. but i shouldn't get into his/yours buisness. so i am sorry. truthfully.
and this doesn't have one bit of sarcasim in it.
people always tell me to grow up so i'm trying to be mature and just apologize.
i don't know if this will mean anything to anyone, but atleast i'm getting my thoughts into my journal publically so everyone can see.
alot of things that people have said about our past relantionship fucking hurts, but hey...that's life i guess.
i broke up with him, now he's completely over me and i just wish he felt the tiny bit of remorse. but i did this to myself so i will no longer speak of it.
this takes alot for me to come out and apologize like this. if it doesn't mean anything to any of ya'll i will understand. i'm just trying to 'grow up' i guess....
i feel like i'm on the wedding singer where that guy says "you should write a song about this, you can call it I Got Punched In The Nose For Sticking My Face In Other People's Buisness" and then BoysNightOut really did make a song about it.