Fic: Specialist (Sheppard/Dex) NC-17

Nov 05, 2012 01:27

Title: Specialist
Author: Wings

Pairing: John Sheppard/Ronon Dex (Shex)

Rating:  NC-17

Word Count: 3,655

Disclaimer: Please don’t take this too seriously, don’t sue, I don’t own these characters and no money is being made from this work of total fiction.

Summary: Three years in the making…John finally gets help from his favourite specialist.

Author’s Note: Special thanks to j_r_hartley for her enthusiastic welcome to LJ, I knew I’d come to the right place.  This one started from an image of John in the drone control chair wearing season 5’s black BDUs (personally that’s my favourite uniform) but there’s no episode connection here.  Hope you enjoy it. Please be gentle…it’s my first time.

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