Fic: Can't (McBeck, PG-13 Parts 1, 2, and 3 of ?)

Oct 29, 2009 01:34

Title: Can’t

padfootthegrim AKA Gypsy Lupin-Black AKA Merrov
Disclaimer: If I owned Stargate, they probably wouldn't be suitable for general consumption.

Rating: PG-13, perhaps R later?

Pairing: Carson Beckett/Rodney McKay

Warnings: Extreme Angst, character death

Spoilers: Seasons three and four.

Summary: Carson's voice still whispered in his ear at night. "I'll be right back," he promised. Rodney squeezed his eyes shut and tried to block it out.

Part ONE, Part TWO, Part THREE

Please review, more to come soon!
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