
Jun 01, 2006 20:23

Yeah, so I noticed a lot of people are doing intro's as they yup this is me.

I'm not much of a fanfic writer. I tried for a while in several fandoms (mostly Stargate SG-1) and I still have them up on my website but, you know, you kind of get the hint that you suck at it when no one ever comments on anything you post. I'd be surprised if anyone actually read them.

So, anyway, now I'm just an avid reader, unless I decide to torture others with my writing again sometime in the future. I've just recently gotten into the Atlantis and have fallen desperately uin love with several characters...Carson, Rodney, and Zelenka. MMMMM? Slurp? Lick? All of the above?

Made quite a few silly ljicons and am working on a few vids.

That's about it. I try to be a fun laid back kinda gal.

Feel the lurrrrrve!
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