
May 24, 2006 16:40

As many of you already know, I came home for the summer last Wednesday. Since then, I haven't seen as many friends from high school as I thought I would see, but more friends from Disney. I had a great day hanging out with Kelli last Friday and after we went to join the gang for our weekly hangout at Earl of Sandwitch. It was so fun! I was pleasantly surprised because Jeff was there with his girlfriend, Jackie (whom I FINALLY met! <3), and he was one of the Disney people I was most looking forward to seeing upon my return home. We laughed and joked around so much - it was just like the good ol' days. I can't believe it's been almost 11 months from the day he was my first Aladdin ever!! <3

I also got to meet Kelli's best friend, Bethany, who seems really cool and another Goofy. Eileen was there too which was fun because we've never hung out outside of work - at first I didn't even recognize her without her wig on...I had no idea what her real hair color was!! haha

I had a fun, relaxing time with old friends that I love and new friends that I met. It's such a fun tradition and a nice, magical hangout too. That's one of the things I had always hoped for in high school - a special place to be the designated hangout. I think it's so special that it goes without being said where we go on Fridays and everyone shows up to just unwind. <3 it!

Another aspect that I love about working for the company is the manner in which I make friends. I remember when I started, I thought it was so difficult to make friends because every day I was at a different location and I felt like all of the people around me already knew each other as they were throwing around names and telling stories. But now I see what's so great about being global and not being tied to one location - the magic IS that you meet so many people!

New Disney Friend/Co-worker Realizations:
#1 It is always possible and very accessible to make new friends
#2 It's a great to be able to come back after a long period of time and fit right back in with those friends

Like Friday started out as a hangout for just Kelli and I because we hadn't seen each other since we first met at work in the Princess Room over spring break (we had so much in common that we just clicked and hung out the whole day!)

and then the day progressed and we ended up hanging out with old friends and I met new ones! And since they were friends of friends, we quickly became acquainted and now we talk online all of the time!!
Monday, I let some of Mary's relatives into Magic Kingdom and they generously gave me a gift certificate for my efforts!! I tried to explain to them that it wasn't necessary, but they shrugged it off. The husband figure (they're from NOLA), patted me on the shoulder and said "You need it, you're in college". lol I was so grateful, not for the money but really for the thought. It meant so much to me that someone took the time to realize what it really means to be let into the parks by a cast member. Most people are just like "thanks" and then they go on their way and SO many people I know are always nonchalantly asking for me to let them in. Guys, because I work my butt off in the boiling weather mostly during the hottest season of the year, the Company generously grants me 6 times in which I can get in 3 people and myself on park hoppers. Don't get me wrong, I am sooo grateful to the Company but some of the people I do it for just don't get that I have to work for those valuable tickets! Anyway, you all can criticize me all you want because I enjoy every second of my job so it's not like it's torture, but I'm just saying it's nice to be appreciated every once in a while.

I also went to Morocco and visited Nick and finally met Francessca the new Jas. It was so nice to finally meet her after I've heard so much about her. She was really nice to me and even offered me a shift working with Nick for this Sunday. That meant a lot to me. It was great to see Nick as well. He filled me in on the goings-on in his life and on the changes in Morocco. I can't wait to work with him again! I miss my Valentine...

:ahem: Yeah, that was only a little bit off topic..(sure)

Speaking of Disney people and continuing with the theme of the first story...

Last night was the biannual (I believe) open call face auditions. After much contemplating, I decided to go. I'm not exaggerating, I thought about this a lot. I haven't been to a face audition since the one where they hired me. I don't know why, I guess I just didn't want to go and not get chosen for anything else and basically know that that means I never would get chosen for additional roles in the future. Or something like that. Yeah. So anyway, I sucked it up and decided to go. And boy am I glad I did!

I went about a 1/2 hour early thinking that I would be one of the first people there (keep in mind, my audition was set up differently 2 years ago and only about 30-40 people in total actually showed up while I was there). So I walk in and the room is overflowing! People are buzzing with nerves, half are wearing numbers and sitting/standing/hanging out everywhere, half are in line filling out paperwork, some people are getting measured and there is a seady stream of people going in and out of the bathrooms checking themselves for the 4th time in the mirrors. So, I get in line in front of a really nice (and nervous) middle-aged lady. She told me that she "felt like everyone's grandma" in the room and I tried to tell her some nice stories about Joann (sp?). So, when I finished my paperwork I started scanning the room out of boredom and then I spotted a friendly face. I whipped around and asked the lady if she would hold my place for me and upon her agreeing, I ran up and flew into Jeff's arms. I think I surprised him a little; he kind of stumbled back when I jumped on him! haha It was great. I used to do that to him all of the time, but never well, I would always end up accidentally elbowing him or stepping on his toes. oops Anyway, this time was fine and we joked around a little before I went back to my place in line. The lady looked amused - apparently she had been watching my jovial display, I don't know, I was just soo happy to see someone I knew - so I quickly commented that he was one of my Al's and she loved it! Someone was chatting with the guy in front of me, I look and it's Greg!!!!!

So, I held out my hand to him (yeah, I have no idea why I do that to my Disney boys, is it because I expect they'll take it and kiss it?! haha) and he actually exclaims "Maria!" and we start chatting. This made me feel like 10 times cooler because Greg is really well-known and has been with the company for years so for him to remember my name after the only time we worked together was sitting next to each other on a float during a 4 minute parade over Winter Break was amazing!! So as we moved up in line, Eileen was standing along side of it! That was great because we had hung out so recently, it made this meeting seem like we were even closer friends!! Oh! AND we were wearing the same top. lolol. So I chatted with her and apparently I was overexcited because I was pointing out things that were really obvious (i.e. "Oh! Jeff is here and so is Greg!" Eileen dryly: "Yes, I saw Jeff and Greg is right there." ::indicates standing behind me::) LOL. I crack MYSELF up. So the line moved farther and I had to start searching the room again for someone else to talk to and then about 15 people behind me I saw Ryan!

So I walked over to him and stood there until he looked up and stared at me not believing I was there. haha So we were super excited to see each other. We chatted for a while and later on we actually ended up getting adjacent numbers (I was 509 and he was 510). Karen was actually the one who gave me my number. She was so happy to see me! She was like "Oh hi Maria" and she chatted with me about being back for the summer and stuff. It was really nice of her to remember who I was. Someone said "excuse me" to me and when I looked up to say I was sorry, it was Victor - one of the guys who cast me in fur!! haha So I was like "oh! Hi Victor!!" and we both laughed. As we were sitting waiting for our numbers to be called, I saw Sarah and her bf (a Peter) and Christiana. Then I heard someone go "Ma.Ri.A!" (kind of like Capo) and it turned out to be Mikayleigh. So we chatted for a while and she was super happy to see me too since it had been since Winter Break since we worked together. All and all, I saw a bunch of people just waiting to go in. I also met a bunch of people. Ryan's friend Cammie was there and I also met Heather (a Cindy/Alice) and Leanne (a munk). Cammie was super nice and she got chosen to stay and do a dance audition! She was so awesome to talk to and was really friendly and genuine.

So, we finally went in and I was the 3rd person in the line of about 35 people. As Victor was giving us instructions of how to conduct ourselves in the rotating lines once we entered the judge's room (whoa I almost said tent), he decided to tell us which casting directors were in there. He said Kelly (don't know her), Soroya (have talked with her a few times) and...Tammy!!! Uh yeah. I totally felt my body tense up. It must have been really obvious too because Ryan noticed behind me and started rubbing my shoulders. After Victor left I turned around and like DIED in Ryan's arms. I was like "I can't do this, omg". So, Cammie - who was standing behind Ryan - was really confused and so I ended up telling the whole line the legend of Tammy. So then EVERYONE was like o.m.g. But I was glad I told the story, it's one of those things you just feel special knowing. Then we filed in and pasted on our cheesy, but seemingly genuine, Disney smiles. Since we were in the first row, the directors started eying our line before they gave directions. Tammy wasn't in there, but Kelly was looking up and down the line and kept nodding at me extravagently and giving my big smiles/winks. I tried to smile back and then Soroya saw me. I was completely not expecting her to recognize me because we've spoken like ONCE and I didn't think she knew who I was. So, she makes eye contact with me, registers who I am and from behind the table exclaims "Oh hi Maria! How are you!? It's so good to see you again. Are you back for the season?" and we start having this whole conversation. It was sooo funny. Ryan nudged be and said, "Stop showing off." lol I was like "She started it!". But it was great and I felt so so loved (I'm talking like I felt 10 times bigger) that THE Soroya knew who I was and took the time to acknowledge me. So then Tammy came in while the other two were giving directions and the audition went fine. Tammy winked at me and then kept looking at every one except me because she already knew what I look like (obv.) She asked Cammie to make a few faces which made Ryan and I really excited - I hope she gets hired for something. Oh! Kelly eventually succeeded in getting Soroya to notice what she was proudly pointing out. She nudged her in the ribs and excitedly nodded in my direction. I was trying to figure out what was going on and Soroya followed Kelly's eyes and found me winked, laughed and then indicated my audition paper in front of Kelly. Poor Kelly's energy just deflated. She shoved my paper into the reject pile and then looked up at me and smiled. I realized that she had proudly picked me as Jas. and Soroya had burst her bubble. aww..It was cute though. Cammie was asked to stay along with three others out of our group.

Ryan and I decided to wait and see if Cammie got anything. We sat on a table and chatted and it was just like last summer. Both of us flirting like crazy but being perfectly comfortable at the same time. It was so great because it was like no time had passed since last summer. We were still able to joke around and be serious and just be ourselves. It's so hard to find someone around whom you can just be yourself and I was so glad to spend the wait with Ryan (esp. since we don't hang out much outside of work).

Although the audition did not turn out well for me personally, the night at auditions was wonderful. I still smile just thinking about it. Before the audition was wonderful because I saw so many of the people who are really important to me in the department. Before the summer, I though that going back to work would be just that, returning to a wonderful job that I love, but I was wrong. Going to face auditions last night and seeing everyone, I haven't even started back yet, but I felt like I was coming home. During the auditions I was touched by the head honchos' thoughtfulness and their friendly demeanor. And waiting after auditions, it felt so good to be sitting next to Ryan again.

I loved going to that audition. I really did. And it made me discover one more reason why I hold my job at Disney so close to my heart - my heart is filled with warmth when I come back. It's filled with understanding of what's going on around me and the feeling of being accepted. And everything just feels right. THAT is why I love it. And THAT is why is feels like home.
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