Dec 15, 2005 19:57
On my break at work today I watched a man park diagnally across from me next to shopping carts that were in the space in front of me. He then proceeded to get out and push the carts away. The carts then proceeded to slam into my car, one hitting the front and the other scraping along the side.
I gave him a look as he went around to the other side of his car and he gathered the carts away from my car as he came back around. Had I not been there I'm sure he would have had no remorse.
Not more than five minutes later I observe three men in the aisle behind my car approaching. A van stops behind my car to pick them and their items up. One of their shopping carts SMACKS into the back of my car. As I look in my side view mirror they are laughing as if to say, "Uh oh!," in a childish innocent way. One of them puts one of their empty carts together with the others in front of my car.
As they finish unloading the second of three carts, the very same cart smacks into the back of my car again, followed again by laughter. I was not laughing.
What amazes me most, is that this is a character I see in the majority of the people around me. It is an egotistical and detached demeaner and it frightens me. A normal (is it normal anymore? I can't help but wonder), compassionate person would apologize, or at least make a worried face or show some sign of knowledge that they have done something TO another person that is not diserable.
Unfortunately, I would feel horrible in such a situation. And I'd be willing to place bets that if those people were sitting in the car, they'd take a lot more action than I did, which was to simply observe and be saddened by modern human nature.