Nov 07, 2004 17:14
Yeah, I haven't updated in forever. Theres alot to say. I have been thinking soo much.. im so stressed out about everything. School is driving me crazy. i just want it to be summer, or at least christmas break. I'm taking the SATs in December and I have just been studying till my brain is fried. I can't keep my GPA over a 3.8 without staying up all night and trashing my social life. Im trying really hard but its taking a toll on me. I noticed this year I've made a ton of new friends, good friends, the kind that are always there for you and dont make you do stuff you dont want to. Im so thankful for them. cough Kristin, Sara, Joe cough AND OF COURSE FREDDY!!!!!!!! yall are my best friends. <3 i love you guys! JerGregg is coming to Va Bch from Indiana to play a show at Attitudz on November 20th. YAY. everyone better go and see him play. im stoked.
I found my dad's baby book the other day. He made a declaration of boy's against girls. hah. and he had little pieces of paper with stuff written to his parents. and it got me thinking about my parents. All they care about are my grades. That's it. My dad was 3rd in his college graduate class and recieved the highest honors awards for general dentistry. My brother has exceeded my parents expectations with a 4.2 GPA. How am I supposed to live up to those expectations? It sucks. I have no friends in my family, my brother doesnt talk to me, my dads always at work, my mom has completely different opinions than mine, so we dont get along. My family life is so depressing. That's why i always need to hang out with friends, but of course mom doesnt understand that.
When Grandma died I didn't know what to do. The flight to PA and the funural procession tore me up. Especially watching all my relatives cry and my mom without my dad because he was in Kuwait. My grandma left me a hefty amount of money but i honestly dont want it. I wouldnt be able to spend it but mom said grandma would have wanted me to have it. My grandpa died when i was born, so thank god i didnt have to go to his funeral. Even though she died back in May I still think about it everyday.. especially at night. I wish there was something else to think about. I can't wait till christmas... it always makes me happy.
I'm getting anxious for summer. summer=EUROPE and europe=fun. I gotta raise a lot of money for it so I'm sorry if I don't get people spectacular christmas gifts this year.. i usually go all out.
I dont like talking shit about people but sometimes i just have to. Girls are stupid. i hate them!. haha... well some of them i like but in general they suck. I dont understand why girls make guys the only thing thats important in their life. If they dont have a boyfriend the world is going to end. Also, why so many girls are so "emo" and take on the genre of the emo scene thing whatever. I know everyone is emo in some way.. because everyone has emotions.. but some people take it a little too far. whatever i dont wanna get into it. gahhh.