✖ anxiety attack: 008 ✖ ZOMBIEFIELD ✖

Sep 20, 2011 12:31

[A. 339 Brady Lane | backdated to Saturday morning]

[Mika had wondered what the sounds were, but as soon as she realized what exactly she was seeing shambling down the street, she immediately began fortifying the house.

Because if there was one thing Mika knew a lot about, it was zombie apocalypses. You do not pass as a fan of the horror genre without any rudimentary knowledge of zombies, and Mika knows a lot.

Which is why she is laying traps in the front yard and digging ditches into it with a lead pipe at her side and a chainsaw within easy grabbing distance. She's muttering angrily to herself and limping around the yard like someone on a mission.

A mission that involves splattering anything undead that gets too close to her house with extreme prejudice and malice.]

[B. Around town | Monday afternoon]

[There's a sobbing sound coming from outside the Brady Lane house, and Mika has left a note saying she can't stay. She's left her house key beneath the porch mat so she can't get back in once she's locked it behind her, picking her way through the traps she's left behind before running off.

She's easily spotted limping down the sidewalk, her dress splattered with gore and her lead pipe coated with it as she whimpers softly, rubbing her eyes like she's trying not to cry.]

[C. Streets | Tuesday]

[The decay has set in with full force. There's blood on her dress from where her skin split and veins necrotized mixed in with the gore from fighting zombies, and she walks around sobbing uncontrollably with a hand over her face. Her pipe is still clutched tightly in one hand as she stumbles around, sniffling and whimpering even as her skin tries sloughing off around where her shoes rub her heels and ankles.]

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't mean to, I don't mean to...somebody please, help me. Somebody help me, it hurts, it hurts...Please help me!

[It seems like Mika is still dedicated to taking out the zombie hordes, but will beg and plead with living characters to get them to help her. But the question lies in what does she need help with? Only characters willing to get close to her will find out.]
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