Nov 28, 2005 20:31
I went out to dinner at a sport's bar with my parents this mother with her cane and my father with his crutches. We were quite a sight. And then we sat at our table, not saying anything, my mom swaying to the horribly horrible emo-for-adults music that was on (ex: "everybody hurts")...and gosh, I must have teared up a couple times. I've never really "taken in" the words to most of those songs, but ugh. Emo existed a long time ago, and probably caused many a suicide.
In other news, I've decided that I really REALLY like the newest Avenged Sevenfold cd - City of Evil. It took about a week for me to start digging it. It was quite a change from the only other cd of theirs that I know (Waking the Fallen), especially because they have cut out the screaming, and their singer has really embraced an axl rose-ish sound...which was initially what put me off. Now I love it, especially the crazy "Yeaaaah"'s and "Whoooaah"'s. Oh! It's SO good!
I took a "spinning" class today and it ruled. I made the mistake of lifting before the class, so my upper body was shaking the whole time, making me a little embarrassed. I think I'll try to do some yoga or pilates eventually, but they have spinning 7 days a week, a couple times a day, so I'm going to do that whenever I can.
OH BOY I love music and working out.
Silence you lost me, no chance for one more day
Silence you lost me, no chance for one more day
I stand here alone
Falling away from you, no chance to get back home