
Jul 14, 2009 18:39

[Distributed by hand (ie: off network) to Luis's trusted list (Friends of Luis, Team Science, REtards... Wesker.)]

Initial studies of the new "supercrabs" show them to be a genetically enhanced version of the other species. The genetic modifications serve to increase their size, speed and strength and also adds an unfortunately large increase in endurance.

In further reports, I will refer to the first species as PC1 and the second as PC2.

PC2 venom is immensely more dangerous than PC1 venom. For comparison, a plant specimen injected with PC1 died within two weeks, while the same type of plant injected with PC2 died within days. I can only guess this means that PC2 venom causes an accelerated form of the infection.

I'm beginning a few trials with PC1 antibodies taken from blood samples of previously infected individuals. This is the first step in what I hope will result in a vaccine for PC1. If I make any progress, I will see if there is any effect on PC2 as well.

Attached to this report is a number for a radio channel on which I can be reached if there are any questions or inquiries.

- L. Sera


I always thought uptown Manhattan was supposed to be exciting.

science genius guy, this message will self destruct, luis undercover

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