Apr 28, 2006 20:28
I love it when I find diverse music to listen to.
I have discovered a love for KT Tunstall...she is...amazing...
Bry is coming over for a movie night since we missed our monthly DDay. I am happy...shit I have to get Hostle from Joe.
MM..so yes...yay! I got pizza boy's number...as in he gave it to me and said "use it we'll have a lunch" and then I turned around and gave him my business card...annd now that I think of it I think that only has my house number...damnit.I'll go back tuesday and slip the celli his way :-) but yeah he's a nice guy and I am sure it was purely friendly. He's got a girlfriend...or at least he did last time I talked to him...when he talked to aubrie who told me he had a girl...but it's cool. I am always up for new friends...:-) especially really cute nice ones...:-P
I am obsessed with Itunes...it's redunculous...I need to cut myself off...but...one...more...song...NO! I mustn't....damn...I have to get Aubrie's money out of the bank so I don't spend it on Itunes....:-P I'm silly.
Save money? Me? nahhhh....haha.
I have to go to the Spring Clean Up tomorrow...I actually don't mind it. I like yard work...or garden work as it were...as long as there aren't any bugs i'm cool. :-P again silly.
So schedule for next month...
A/P Gov't Exam May 9
A/P Euro His May 5
Research Paper May 24
Accounting Exam May...something
'Zine distribution May 10..ish
Road and Range...sometime through all this
I don't know...some people have 5! Count 'em! 5! A/P exams...I'm sorry kids but Lisa isn't going to that many exams...BESIDES ALL THIS
I have to take every single exam...every...single...exam...
busybusybusy BEE