Oct 01, 2009 12:58
[Private, unhackable]
Report sent to Katalon HQ:
I'm not sure how safe my cover story is, but there's no lost love for the A-LAWS here, so I'm not especially worried. Here's my analysis of the situation up here.
Celestial Being is small, but as our intel suggested, they are rich as hell and have equipment like you wouldn't believe. I think we can convince them to be sympathetic to our cause, but I don't know how reliable of an ally they would make. They're too focused on their own goals.
The GDF, however, is another story entirely. They have been working very closely with Celestial Being, and they are the strangest military operation I have ever seen. They seem to have almost no internal security, and yet they have way fewer cases of infiltration than you would expect. The average pilot age is somewhere around seventeen, but they're all VERY good and almost all of them have completely custom units. They also seem to run almost entirely by rule of conscience. They hate the A-LAWS with a passion, and I don't think we'll have any trouble getting them to work with us, whenever you decide it's time to contact them.
Gene-1 out.
Bunch of new faces around here.
I guess I still kind of count as a new face myself, don't I? Either way, I'm Lockon Stratos, good to meet you.