Random Info on Sylar Plot (Because Mun Can't Think of a Better Name)

Jun 15, 2011 15:26

So this is what we've got so far so I don't, you know, forget again (so some of this might be a little different since I've already forggoten some):

Male mutant whose ability is to absorb other powers, four victims (that are known):

Young boy, approx thirteen, who was found behind his school electrocuted. He had telekenisis. It was first deemed an accident until his mother found a journal.

Woman, middle twenties, mutant.

Business man, middle aged, found burnt, nearly unrecognizable. He was a part of an anti-mutant movement.

Young boy, spontaneous combustion.

I'm thinking he's killed before, hence why he can block Xavier, maybe multiple telepaths. He definitely has electric capabilities. So if we really want to expound upon this, Charles and Lilly can go find some more victims, tracing his genesis. After all serial killers don't start out that way.

This can make the plot longer, plus he can fuck around with Lilly and Charles psychologically.

As far as future threads, and this isn't set in stone, Charles can probably dig around the mutant community, and Lilly will go back in the files, see if anything pops out. All mutant related deaths, the murderer starts targetting Charles, maybe someone Charles knows (not really well, but definitely someone he has associated with) winds up dead with clues as to who the murderer is. He then targets Lilly, thinking if he gets her, he'll lure Charles. Something like that?

I'm thinking kidnap, but like I said, I like messing with my characters.

Any ideas? I'm just throwing stuff out there at the moment.

!!info, [verse] sylar, !!ooc

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